Surah Ad Dahr

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  Surah Ad Dahr (Arabic الدَّهْرِ) english meaning ”the human/man” is the 76th surah of the Holy Quran. There are total 31 verses in this surah. Surat Dahr is found in juzz 29 of the Quran. This surah explores the Allah’s creation of Humans.

Another Name of Ad Dahr surah

This surah has two name, another name of surah e dahr is Al Insan . Both name are taken from verse 1 and the meaning for both name is same,”the man or human”. Surah Al-Insan poses a thought-provoking question about humanity’s insignificance at certain moments in time.

هَلْ أَتَىٰ عَلَى ٱلْإِنسَـٰنِ حِينٌۭ مِّنَ ٱلدَّهْرِ لَمْ يَكُن شَيْـًۭٔا مَّذْكُورًا ١

Is there not a period of time when each human is nothing yet worth mentioning?1

The Relationship Among the Names

The connection between “Dahr” and “Insan” is central to the thematic essence of the Surah. Surah Dahr contemplates time in conjunction with humanity’s purpose, essence, and fate. Moreover, it delves into deep contemplations on human existence, exploring the intricacies of life, the decisions taken, and their eventual outcomes. This presents a comprehensive depiction of the human journey from an Islamic perspective.

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Main theme of surah al insan

The main theme of Surah Ad Dahr or surah al insan is creation of Humans: The Surah delves into Allah’s creation of humans, emphasizing the divine wisdom and purpose behind their existence. Surah Insan extensively addresses human beings, covering their creation, nature, and life journey. It highlights the dual nature of humans, their potential for both good and evil, and the resulting consequences in the hereafter.

Topics discussed in Surah Ad Dahr

Blessings for the Righteous: Surah Al-Insan details the rewards for those who lead righteous lives and adhere to Islam’s teachings. It describes the blessings of Paradise for the faithful, emphasizing their ultimate fulfillment and happiness in the Hereafter.

Path to Righteousness: The Surah offers guidance on attaining righteousness and striving for a place in Paradise. It highlights the importance of faith, good deeds, and obedience to Allah’s commands as essential components for achieving righteousness and securing eternal bliss.

Revelation of the Quran: Surah Al-Insan reaffirms the Quran’s divine origin and its purpose as a guide for humanity. It highlights Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the recipient of divine revelation and emphasizes the Quran’s role in leading people toward righteousness and salvation.

Consequences for Disbelievers: The Surah warns of the consequences of rejecting faith and disobeying Allah’s commands, in contrast to the rewards for the righteous. It describes the punishment awaiting disbelievers, highlighting the importance of faith and obedience to avoid spiritual downfall.

In what manner does Surah Al-Insan depict Jannah?

Surah Al-Insan portrays Jannah (Paradise) as an exquisitely beautiful and serene realm. Additionally, it elaborates on how the faithful will be rewarded for their righteousness and devotion.

In Jannah, every person will possess their own lush garden, abundant with fruits and shade, offering solace and comfort. The weather will be ideal, maintaining a perfect balance, ensuring eternal happiness for its residents. The inhabitants of Jannah will be adorned in silk attire, reflecting the opulence and sophistication of their environment. Fruits will be within easy reach, hanging low for easy access, while the canopy of their gardens will offer shelter.

Benefits of Surah Ad Dahr

Following are the benefits of the surat insan

Divine Favor and Kindness: Believers recite Surah Dahr during weddings, seeking divine blessings and approval for the couple’s union, ensuring it is blessed with divine grace and compassion.

Divine Favor for Relatives: The blessings of Surah Dahr reach the extended family, including children and relatives, fostering familial well-being and prosperity, and nurturing a supportive family network.

Help in Tough Times: In tough times, Surah Dahr offers comfort and underscores Allah’s strength and wisdom. With faith as their guide, the couple discovers the fortitude and perseverance to overcome challenges and succeed.

Establishing a Nurturing Environment: Surah Dahr fosters love and unity in the home, extending to the entire family.