
Quran Para 1 (Alif Laam Mem الٓمّٓ)

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A “juzʼ” (plural: “ajzāʼ”) is one of the thirty divisions of the Quran, each varying in length, into which the holy scripture is divided. In Iran and subsequently in the Indian subcontinent, people alternatively refer to it as “parah.” The Quran comprises 30 ajzāʼ, also recognized as “سِپَارَہ – sipārah” in Persian, where “si” denotes 30, indicating its division into thirty parts. The Quran juz 1 consists of two surahs, al-Fatiha and al-Baqrah.

Para 1 of the Quran opens with surah al fatiha.Al Fatiha is a Makki chapter, and Al Baqarah is a Madni chapter of the Quran. The Juz discusses various topics concerning guidance, Allah’s governance on Earth, and the history of past Muslim communities. Surah al-Baqarah starts by saying that Allah gave the Quran to guide those who believe in Him. Allah divides people into believers, disbelievers, or hypocrites and explains the traits of hypocrites. Allah selected humanity as His representatives on Earth and commanded others to bow down to Adam. The story of the cow imparts valuable lessons.

Topics covered in Al Quran para 1

Al Quran juz 1 covers the following topics:

  • The Quran serves as a guide for those aspiring to righteousness, distinguishing between believers and non-believers.
  • The hypocrites: their illness, mischief, and self-delusion.
  • The Quran poses a challenge: while it will guide many, others will persist in error. This describes the characteristics of those who will remain astray.
  • The narrative of Adam’s creation and Allah’s commitment to periodically send His guidance through His prophets.
  • A call to the Children of Israel to embrace this message. It is imperative to fulfill Allah’s covenant.
  • Cautionary messages to those who deviate from God’s covenant. The account of how certain individuals among the Children of Israel departed from God’s guidance.
  • The true beneficiaries of Divine salvation. The reluctance of the Children of Israel to comply with the sacrifice of the cow.
  • Those who were meant to adhere to God’s law distorted it.
  • Fundamental tenets of God’s Covenant with the Children of Israel.
  • Among them were those who displayed arrogance towards the guidance of their prophets; some outright rejected the Prophets or attempted their assassination; some worshipped the calf, disobeyed God’s decrees, and became excessively enamored with worldly pursuits.
  • Resistance and hostility towards the Prophets, adherence to demonic influences, and sorcery.
  • Encouragement for the Believers to emulate these models and remain steadfast in their principles.
  • The exemplary role of Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (PBUH). He, along with his son Hazrat Ismail (PBUH), constructed the Ka’bah and supplicated for the advent of a Prophet.
  • Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (PBUH) submitted to Allah, and this is the inheritance that he and his descendants transmitted to their progeny.

Adam’s Caliphate in the world

Quran Majeed para 1 surah al baqarah ayat 30 describes the caliphate of Hazrat Adam on earth.

وَ اِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلٰٓىٕكَةِ اِنِّیْ جَاعِلٌ فِی الْاَرْضِ خَلِیْفَةًؕ-قَالُوْۤا اَتَجْعَلُ فِیْهَا مَنْ یُّفْسِدُ فِیْهَا وَ یَسْفِكُ الدِّمَآءَۚ-وَ نَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَ نُقَدِّسُ لَكَؕ-قَالَ اِنِّیْۤ اَعْلَمُ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُوْنَ(30)

The story of Red Heifer

The story of the red cow, found in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:67–71) of the Quran, revolves around the commandment given by Allah to the Children of Israel to slaughter a cow. They were instructed to sacrifice a cow, but instead of following the command immediately, they asked for unnecessary details and conditions, making it difficult for them. Eventually, they found a cow, but it was not easy to identify due to its color and age. Despite their initial reluctance, they eventually slaughtered the cow as commanded by Allah. This story highlights the importance of obedience to divine commandments without unnecessary questioning or delay.

Reconstruction of the Kaaba

وَاِذۡ جَعَلۡنَا الۡبَيۡتَ مَثَابَةً لِّلنَّاسِ وَاَمۡنًاؕ وَاتَّخِذُوۡا مِنۡ مَّقَامِ اِبۡرٰهٖمَ مُصَلًّى‌ ؕ وَعَهِدۡنَآ اِلٰٓى اِبۡرٰهٖمَ وَاِسۡمٰعِيۡلَ اَنۡ طَهِّرَا بَيۡتِىَ لِلطَّآٮِٕفِيۡنَ وَالۡعٰكِفِيۡنَ وَالرُّکَّعِ السُّجُوۡدِ(125)

Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail were commanded by Allah to rebuild the Kaaba in Mecca after it had fallen into disrepair. Together, they rebuilt the Kaaba as a place of worship dedicated to the worship of Allah alone. Muslims commemorate this event annually during the Hajj pilgrimage, as it holds deep significance in Islamic history.


Q. Where does juz 1 end?

Holy Quran para 1 ends at Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 141, which is the second chapter of the Quran.

Q. How many ayat in juz 1?

There are 141 verses (ayat) in juz 1 quran.

Q. How long is juz 1?

Quran pak para 1 consists of 16 rukus and 141 verses.

Ruqia Bibi

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