Home » Salat al-Istikhara: A Guide to Seeking Divine Guidance

Salat al-Istikhara: A Guide to Seeking Divine Guidance

What is Istikhara in Islam?

Salat al-Istikhaara (Arabic: صلاة الاستخارة)  is a special prayer in Islam performed when seeking guidance from Allah (God) in making a decision. The term “Istikhaara” means “seeking goodness” or “seeking the best option,” and this prayer is specifically offered when a person faces uncertainty or confusion about a decision, whether it be a personal, professional, or spiritual matter. It is a Sunnah prayer consisting of two rak’ahs, performed with the intention of seeking guidance from Allah (s.w.t.) on whether to move forward with or withdraw from a particular matter.

The Sunnah Istikhaara prayer is performed in two rak’ahs, similar to other Sunnah prayers. Here’s how to perform it:

1. Establish the Intention (Niyyah) 

   Begin by establishing the intention in your heart to perform the Istikhaara prayer for guidance from Allah. You can make the niyyah as follows: 

2. Perform the Two Rak’ahs
3. Conclude with Salam and Make the Istikhaara Dua

Unlike the five obligatory prayers, which have specific timings, there is no fixed time for performing Salat al-Istikhara. You can offer this prayer at any time of the day, except during the prohibited hours, which are:

This prohibition is based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w):

“When the sun rises until it is fully up, when it is at its zenith until it passes the zenith, and when it sets until it has completely set.”(Sahih Muslim)  

After performing Salat al Istikhara, guidance may come in various forms:

  1. Inner Peace and Confidence: You may feel a sense of calm and certainty about your decision. This feeling in your heart is often a clear sign of guidance.
  2. Favorable Circumstances: Positive changes or ease in your situation related to the decision may indicate that you are on the right path.
  3. Consultation and Reflection: Advice from trusted individuals and personal reflection can help confirm the guidance you feel.
  4. Personal Inclination: An increased motivation or inclination to proceed with or avoid the decision can signal the right choice.

While dreams might sometimes occur, they are not a primary method for interpreting the results of Istikhaara. Instead, focus on the feelings and circumstances that arise following the prayer.

Salat al-Istikhara can be repeated if clarity or guidance is not immediately apparent. You may perform Salat al-Istikhara multiple times if needed. It is not limited to a single occurrence. Some scholars suggest repeating it up to seven times, especially if you feel uncertain or require further guidance.

Seeking Guidance

While performing Salat al-Istikhaara, it’s important to remain patient and observant. Guidance may come through a feeling of inclination, circumstances aligning, or clarity in decision-making. There is no requirement for a dream or a sign; instead, a sense of peace, inclination, or events aligning is how guidance is often perceived.

When doing Salat al-Istikhaara, also seek advice, consult trusted people, and reflect on the situation. However, these efforts are just part of the process. Ultimately, we place our trust in Allah (s.w.t.) for guidance. This is reflected in the verse:

This verse emphasizes that while consulting and reflecting are important, true reliance and trust should be placed in Allah.

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