Free Download Surat Taha
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Surah Twaha (Arabic: طه) is the 20th chapter of the Quran. It consists of 135 verses, 8 Rukus, 1177 words, and 5093 letters. The sura starts with the Muqqat’aat letters ṭā and hā, which is why it is called Taha. According to narrations, Taha is one of the Prophet’s titles. Surat Taha is a Makki sura, and it is located in 16 and 17 Juz of the Quran. Surah e Taha primarily addresses the topics of human origin and resurrection. Surat Twaha is the first sura to narrate the story of Prophet Moses in detail. It dedicates 80 verses to the story of Moses. Part of this surah talks about the greatness of the Quran and the attributes of Allah. Additionally, this sura recounts the story of Adam and Eve. It recounts that how Satan tempted them to eat from the Forbidden Tree.
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Surah Taha summary
- The Qur’an is a reminder for those who fear Allah.
- In the Hereafter, the life of this world will seem no longer than a day or even just part of a day.
- The narrative of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) as a messenger to Pharaoh and his leaders.
- Surah taha 25 28 verses describes the renowned Dua of Prophet Musa (pbuh) prior to embarking on his mission.
- Conversation between Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and Pharaoh.
- Surah taha verse 68 69 verses describes the encounter between Prophet Musa (pbuh) and Pharaoh’s magicians. Who embraced Islam after witnessing the miracles.
- Dipiction of a scene of the Day of Judgment.
- Quran Surah taha ayat 114 shows that the Quran is revealed in Arabic for clear comprehension. So read it and supplicate: “O Lord, increase me in knowledge.”
- The story of Adam’s formation and Satan’s temptations.
- Those who neglect to read the Qur’an and heed its guidance will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment as blind.
- Do not covet the worldly wealth of others.
Surah Taha Benefits
Following are the benefits of reading Surah Taha Quran:
- Prophet Muhammad says that, whoever recites surah al taha will be granted the reward equivalent to all the Muhajirun and Ansar on the Day of Judgment.
- Hazrat Muhammad said, “Anyone who writes Taha Surah, wraps it in a green cloth, and carries it to a marriage proposal event will have their proposal accepted.”
- According to Abu Abdullah Ja‘far ibn Muhammad, “Those without suitors or whose marriage proposals are declined should inscribe Sura Taha, wash it with water, and then sprinkle that water on their face. Through this act, Allah will facilitate their marriage.”
- Surah e Taha offers valuable lessons through the story of Prophet Moses. It teaches us about faith, perseverance, and the victory of truth.
Divine Protection of Prophet Moses
Surah Taha, ayat 39 describes how the mother of Prophet Moses (pbuh) is instructed by Allah to place her infant son in a chest and cast him into the river. Allah assures her that the river will carry him to safety, where he will be raised by his enemies who are also the enemies of Allah. This event sets the stage for Moses’ upbringing in the palace of Pharaoh and his eventual mission as a prophet.
اَنِ اقْذِفِیْهِ فِی التَّابُوْتِ فَاقْذِفِیْهِ فِی الْیَمِّ فَلْیُلْقِهِ الْیَمُّ بِالسَّاحِلِ یَاْخُذْهُ عَدُوٌّ لِّیْ وَ عَدُوٌّ لَّهٗؕ-وَ اَلْقَیْتُ عَلَیْكَ مَحَبَّةً مِّنِّیْ ﳛ وَ لِتُصْنَعَ عَلٰى عَیْنِیْﭥ(39)
Supplication for Increasing Knowledge
The books of tafseer mention that when the angel Gabriel descended upon the Prophet to reveal Quranic verses, the Prophet, out of concern for forgetting them and his eagerness for people to memorize the Quran, would swiftly convey the verses before Gabriel finished delivering them entirely. In response, Allah revealed Sura Twaha, verse 114, instructing the Prophet not to rush with the Quran but to allow the angel to fully convey the verses before sharing them with others. This highlights the importance of patience and careful consideration in delivering the divine message to humanity.
فَتَعٰلَى اللّٰهُ الْمَلِكُ الْحَقُّۚ-وَ لَا تَعْجَلْ بِالْقُرْاٰنِ مِنْ قَبْلِ اَنْ یُّقْضٰۤى اِلَیْكَ وَحْیُهٗ٘-وَ قُلْ رَّبِّ زِدْنِیْ عِلْمًا(114)
The Story of Hazrat Adam and Eve
Surat Taha, verses 115-123 recount the story of Hazrat Adam and Eve (peace be upon them) and their encounter with Satan in Paradise. Allah had instructed Adam not to approach a certain tree, but Satan tempted them, leading them to disobey Allah’s command. Consequently, they felt shame. And Allah expelled them from Paradise. Despite this, Allah showed them mercy and guided them back to the right path. These verses serve as a reminder of the consequences of disobedience and the importance of seeking Allah’s guidance to avoid misguidance and misery.
The Link Between Faith and Well-Being
Surah Taha, 124-126 verses underscore the correlation between belief in the Hereafter and one’s quality of life. Allah emphasizes that those who turn away from His remembrance will endure misery. He will resurrect them blind on the Day of Judgment. Conversely, those who have faith in Allah and trust in Him find solace and security from worldly worries. These verses encapsulates the profound message of seeking spiritual refuge in Allah to alleviate life’s burdens.
وَ مَنْ اَعْرَضَ عَنْ ذِكْرِیْ فَاِنَّ لَهٗ مَعِیْشَةً ضَنْكًا وَّ نَحْشُرُهٗ یَوْمَ الْقِیٰمَةِ اَعْمٰى(124) قَالَ رَبِّ لِمَ حَشَرْتَنِیْۤ اَعْمٰى وَ قَدْ كُنْتُ بَصِیْرًا(125) قَالَ كَذٰلِكَ اَتَتْكَ اٰیٰتُنَا فَنَسِیْتَهَاۚ-وَ كَذٰلِكَ الْیَوْمَ تُنْسٰى(126)
This chapter is located in 16 and 17 juz of the Quran.
This chapter covers various topics, including God’s summoning of Moses, the Exodus of the Israelites and their crossing of the Red Sea, the worshipping of the Golden Calf, and the story of the Fall of Man. The overarching theme revolves around the concept of God’s existence.
It consists of 135 verses, 8 Rukus, 1177 words, and 5093 letters.
There are many benefits of surah taha for marriage. The Prophet, peace be upon him, reportedly said, “Anyone who writes Taha Surat, wraps it in a green cloth, and carries it to a marriage proposal event will have their proposal accepted.”