Surah Nuh

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إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَا نُوحًا إِلَىٰ قَوْمِهِ أَنْ أَنذِرْ قَوْمَكَ مِن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

Surah Nuh in Arabic text – full text pages in color coded with tajweed rules

Surah Nuh Benefits And Virtues

  • It is narrated from Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) “One who recites Surah Nooh shall be ranked amongst the believers enwrapped by the light of Prophet Noah’s Call.
  • This Surat can help to one’s increase Business, revenue, and wealth growth.
  • If anyone recites this sureh, he will protected from enemies, and his faith will grow.
  • There are many Surah Nuh ayat 10-12 benefits and rewards, especially Ayat 12. “And give you an increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers.” (surat nooh ayat 12)
  • Furthermore it provides rivers, verdant gardens, forgiveness, and five big material gifts.
  • After this surah is recited, Allah answers all prayers right away.
  • According to a narration, this Surah will soothe and calm the mind and spirit.
  • It gives a reminder of the terrible consequences of rejection to Allah.
  • It is stated that reciting Surah Nuh will help one achieve Allah’s pleasure and Paradise.

Main points of Surat Nuh

The Chapter (Surah) Noah in Arabic discussed the following main points.

  • The significance of monotheism, the repercussions of disbelief and rejecting Allah’s messengers, the necessity of repentance and forgiveness.
  • it also discusses the hardships and troubles of Noah during the way of preaching.
  • The Earth, the sun, the moon are signs of God’s existence .
  • Moreover, It acts as a warning of what happens when people reject the truth and violate Allah’s commands.

Story of Prophet Nuh (A.S)

The name “Nuh” (Noah in English) is of Arabic origin and has significant meaning in Islamic tradition. In Arabic, the name “Nuh” (نوح) is derived from the root “ن و ح” (n-w-h), which means “to cry” or “to lament.” Nuuh meaning is reflective of the prophet’s role and the hardships. It also describes his endurance while delivering God’s message to his people.

Noah (a.s) is well-known as one of the five honored prophets known as Ul al-Azam. The word Ul al-Azam means the prophets with an intense sense of purpose. Several Surahs and ayahs of the Quran mentioned the name of Nooh and his account of events. Nabi Noah is also famous for building an ark known as Noah’s Ark, which would protect both animals and believers alike from his people’s punishment for their disbelief in him.

The majority of Abrahamic scriptures, if not all of them, identify a flood as this punishment. Prophet Nooh (pbuh) pays to Allah that, “These people have declined my ”Dawa”, they are blindly following their leaders, who created an enormous plan of deceit and cunning. The moment has come to deprive these folks of all graces.” The Messenger of Allah Nuh did not say this out of impatience; rather, it was his belief that there was absolutely no possibility left for his people to follow the correct path after 950 years of preaching his word in the face of incredibly difficult circumstances. His viewpoint was entirely in line with Allah’s own judgment.

FAQ’s about Surah Nuh

Q:Where was the revelation of Surah Nuh took place?

It was revealed at Makkah during the time when opposition to the Prophet had grown to be very strong and active.

Q:How many words are there in surat nuh?

There are 227 words in this surat.

Q:What lessons can we learn from the Quran story of Noah?

Following lessons we learn from this sureh.

  • Obedience to Allah.
  • Using Dua when we are desperate.
  • Allah never leaves His faithful followers.