Surah Hud

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Surah Hud (Arabic: هود) is the 11th chapter of the Quran. It consists of 10 Rukus, 123 verses, 1946 words, and 7817 letters. It’s named Hud because it recounts the narrative of Prophet Hud, who was the messenger to the people of ‘Ād (عاد). Hud surah is a Makki surah, and it opens with Muqqat’at letters. Surah hud, meaning Prophet Hazrat Hud, Additionally, it narrates the stories of the downfall and retribution of the communities of six other prophets, including Noah, Saleh, Ibrahim, Lot, Shu‘ayb, and Moses. Surah Hud offers glad tidings of paradise to believers while cautioning individuals about Allah’s punishment if they refuse to believe and engage in sinful behavior. Hud also discusses fundamental Islamic concepts such as monotheism (tawḥīd: تَوحيد), prophethood, and resurrection (ma‘ād: مَعاد). It also discusses Allah’s assurances to believers and the virtuous.

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Surah Hud summary

  • Quran surat hud ayat 6 describes that God is the Creator and Sustainer of all living creatures.
  • Creation of the heaven  and the earth.
  • “Challenge from God to create ten surahs like Quran?”
  • Detailed story of Prophet Hazrat Nuh.
  • Story of Aad and Prophet Hazrat Hud.
  • Story of Thamud and Prophet Hazrat Saleh.
  • The History of Prophet Ibrahim.
  • The history of Prophet Hazrat Lot, Prophet Hazrat Shu‘ayb and Prophet Moses.

Quran Surah hud benefits

Following are the benefits and virtues of reciting this surat:

  • Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his descendants, has stated that whoever recites Surah Hud will receive a reward equivalent to ten times the combined number of believers and rejecters of Noah, as well as the supporters and adversaries of the prophets Hud, Saleh, Shu‘ayb, Lot, Ibrahim, and Moses. Furthermore, such a person will be blessed on the Day of Judgment.
  • Abu Ja‘far Muhammad ibn Ali has conveyed that whoever recites Surah Hud every Friday, Allah will gather them with the prophets on the Day of Judgment, and all their sins will be pardoned.
  • Abu Abdullah Ja‘far ibn Muhammad has stated that whoever inscribes Surah Hud and carries it with them wherever they go, Allah will bestow upon them remarkable strength. Furthermore, if they have it with them and confront their adversaries, they will emerge victorious to the extent that those who witness them will be filled with fear.
  • Surah Hud’s verse 114 emphasizes that righteous deeds can erase sins, urging believers to engage in virtuous actions for spiritual purification.

The story of Prophet Nuh

Surah Hud provides a more detailed account of Noah’s story compared to other surahs that mention it.

وَ لَقَدْ اَرْسَلْنَا نُوْحًا اِلٰى قَوْمِهٖۤ٘-اِنِّیْ لَكُمْ نَذِیْرٌ مُّبِیْنٌ(25)

“And indeed, We sent Noah to his people, and he said, ‘Verily, I am to you a clear warner.'”

اَنْ لَّا تَعْبُدُوْۤا اِلَّا اللّٰهَؕ-اِنِّیْۤ اَخَافُ عَلَیْكُمْ عَذَابَ یَوْمٍ اَلِیْمٍ(26)

“Do not worship anyone besides Allah. Indeed, I fear for you the torment of a grievous Day.”

The main message of Allah’s prophets was to worship only one God, which is the most important belief for everyone. Nevertheless, most of Noah’s people refused to believe in him. Finally, they demanded, “Bring upon us the punishment you threaten, if indeed you are truthful.” That’s when Allah instructed Noah to construct the ark. Afterward, the immense flood arrived, and all those who rejected the truth were submerged, including Noah’s own son, who was among the disbelievers. Noah summoned him and instructed him to embark on the ark along with the rest. Yet, his son arrogantly declared that he would seek refuge on a mountain, believing he would be safe from the punishment

The story of Prophet Hud

Surat al hud Verses 50-60 recount the narrative of Hud and the community of ‘Ād (عاد). Hud told his people the same thing as Noah and other prophets before him: believe in one God and don’t worship anything else alongside Him. The community of Hud claimed, “We perceive that some of our gods have afflicted you with harm.” However, Hud refuted this assertion, declaring his rejection of their association of partners with God. Next, the Quran unveils the miraculous statement of Hud as he addresses his people:

“You all conspired against me and then don’t grant me respite.”( surah al hud : 55)

Surah hud ayat 56 emphasizes that reliance on Allah alone is the best course of action, as He is the best disposer of affairs. Some Quranic scholars suggest that a miracle of Prophet Hud was his ability to remain unharmed despite the attempts of others to harm him. Regardless, the community of Prophet Hud persisted in their disbelief and faced divine retribution.

Surah Hud does not detail the nature of the punishment inflicted. Contrastingly, surahs like Haqqah mention that they were punished with a freezing wind.

Story of Prophet Hazrat Saleh

The next story in this surah is about the Prophet Hazrat Saleh and the peole of Thamud. Saleh urged them to worship one God and seek His forgiveness for their sins. However, similar to the people of ‘Ād, they also disobeyed their prophet and persisted in worshipping idols. Subsequently, he demonstrated his miracle by bringing forth a she-camel from the depths of the mountain by the permission of Allah.

“O my people! This is the camel of God, a sign for you. Allow it to graze freely in the land, and do not harm it. If you do, God will swiftly punish you.” The Thamūd people ignored their prophet’s warnings and hamstrunged the camel. Hud and his followers were spared, but the unbelievers faced punishment.

Story of  Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim

Story of Prophet Hazrat Lot

The angels visited Lot to inform him of the impending punishment that was to befall his people. Lot was deeply troubled by the arrival of these angels at his house, as they were handsome and he feared his people would lust after them. In the meantime, his people hurried to Lot’s house and demanded that he surrender his guests to them. Lot said, “My daughters are purer for you. Fear Allah and do not disgrace me concerning my guests.”

Yet, they persisted in their demand. It was then that the angels disclosed their identity to Lot, saying, “We are indeed messengers from your Lord. “They will never reach you. Depart with your family during the dark hours of the night, and let none of you look back, except your wife; she will suffer the same fate as them. Their appointed time is the morning. Is not the morning close?” As a result, Allah punished the people of Lot for their extreme immorality by turning their city upside down and raining down stones upon them, showcasing the fate of the unjust.

Story of Prophet Hazrat Shu‘ayb

Surah Hud recounts the narrative of the prophet Shu‘ayb from Midian. The people of Midian, an Arab tribe, practiced idolatry, venerating a large tree, and committed the sin of fraudulent practices, deceitfully altering measures and weights. Shu‘ayb was appointed to them with a dual mission: initially, to call them to monotheism and the worship of Allah, and subsequently, to prevent their dishonest practices of deceiving others. They menaced Shu‘ayb, asserting that if it weren’t for his tribe, they would have certainly stoned him. Due to their persistent wickedness, they incurred Allah’s punishment.

Story of Prophet Hazrat Musa

The story of Moses is the final account of prophets narrated briefly in Surah Hud. Verses 96-99 recount the narrative of this esteemed prophet. It describes how Moses was dispatched to Pharaoh with Allah’s signs, yet Pharaoh and his elite refused to heed Moses’ message. On the Day of Resurrection, they will dwell in hell due to the wicked deeds they perpetrated in this life.


Q. Surah hud in which para?

Surah hud para number is 11 and 12 in the Quran.

Q. What does surat hud ayat 1 talks about?

Surat Hud, verse 1, opens with a statement emphasizing the Quran as a revelation from Allah, the Most Merciful, and the Most Compassionate, delivered to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for guidance and admonition to all believers.

Q. What verse in the Quran is renowned for its eloquence above all others?

Surah hud ayat 44, which talks about the floodwaters receding and the ark resting on Mount Judi, is considered the most beautifully expressed verse in the Quran.

Q. Which verse in Surah Hud that  made Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) aged?

The surah hud 112 that aged Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) , where Allah commands him to remain steadfast alongside those who have turned to Allah.