Surah Fatir

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Fatir (Arabic: فاطر) is the 35th chapter of the Quran. It consists of 5 Rukus, 45 verses, 778 words, and 3832 letters. It is Makki Surah, also known as Surah al-Mala’ikah, which occurs in the first verse. The meaning of surah fatir The Originator. “This Meccan surah shows how powerful Allah is by looking at all the amazing things He made, while also showing that idols worshipped by some people are not powerful at all.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) finds comfort in knowing that many prophets faced rejection before him. In this surah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) finds solace in the knowledge that many prophets faced rejection before him. Additionally, believers are assured of a magnificent reward in Paradise (verses 31–35), while disbelievers are cautioned about a severe punishment in Hell (verses 36–39). These recurring themes are reflected in the following surah.

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Surah Fatir summary

  1. God made the Angels as messengers with wings numbering two, three, or four.
  2. Only Allah has the power to grant or withhold blessings; no one else can do so.
  3. Consider Shaitan as your enemy .
  4. If someone believes their bad deeds are good, they won’t find the right path.
  5. True honor lies in obeying Allah.
  6. Humans need Allah, but Allah doesn’t need anyone.
  7. No one can make those buried in graves hear you.
  8. Those who recite the Quran, pray devoutly (Namaz), and generously give to charity are the hopeful recipients of Allah’s blessings and rewards. It shows Surah Fatir ayat 29 30 benefits.
  9. Allah hasn’t sent any Book that allows worshipping anyone besides Him, known as shirk.
  10. Scheming evil only harms the one who plans it.
  11. If Allah punished people for their wrongs, not even an animal would be left alive.
  12. But He also delays their punishment until a set time. When that time comes, God will indeed deal with His servants.

Benefits of Surah Fatir

Following are the benefits of reciting this Quran Surah Fatir:

  • Imam Sadiq (as) stated in a tradition: “When one recites the two Surahs that commence with praising Allah (Surat Saba and Surah e Fatir) at night, they’ll be under Allah’s protection and care. Similarly, if recited during the day, they will be shielded from harm and bestowed with blessings in this world and the hereafter, beyond their imagination or desire.” This protection is like a spiritual shield that keeps people safe and brings them a feeling of peace and security.
  • There’s a narration that someone went to Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq, telling him about his daughter who had terrible migraine headaches. After Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq recited verse 42 of Surat al Fatir, the girl was said to be healed. This shows that Surah has the power to heal, bringing relief from physical problems when recited and thought about.
  • This Surah teaches us that whatever Allah plans will happen, and what He doesn’t plan won’t happen to us. Understanding this brings peace and acceptance to believers.
  • The Surah tells believers to remember Allah during good times. Allah will remember and help them during tough times.This support helps people face life’s challenges with strength and patience.They know that after hard times, things will get better.
Surah Fatir ayat 22 benefits

Surah al fatir ayat 22, emphasizes the distinction between the living and the dead, highlighting Allah’s power to grant hearing to whom He wills. This message resonates with the concept of humility and submission, reminding believers of their dependence on Allah’s mercy and guidance in both life and death.

وَ مَا یَسْتَوِی الْاَحْیَآءُ وَ لَا الْاَمْوَاتُؕ-اِنَّ اللّٰهَ یُسْمِـعُ مَنْ یَّشَآءُۚ-وَ مَاۤ اَنْتَ بِمُسْمِـعٍ مَّنْ فِی الْقُبُوْرِ(22)


Q. In which para of the Quran Surat Fatir is located?

Surah Fatir juz number is 22nd in the Quran Majeed.

Q. What is the Surah Fatir meaning?

The meaning of Surat Fatir or Al-Mala’ikah is ”The Originator”.

Q. What is Surah Fatir ayat 27 about?

It is a reminder for believers to reflect on the signs of Allah’s creation in the world around them. This verse encourages observation and contemplation of Allah’s magnificent creations, including the diversity of colors in fruits, the white and red pathways in mountains, and the varying shades of darkness and light.

Q. What are surah fatir ayat 41 benefits?

Reflecting on Surat Fatir, verse 41, reinforces the belief in Allah’s complete sovereignty over the heavens and the earth, inspiring trust in His will, patience in adversity, and gratitude for His mercy.