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Surah at taubah (Arabic ٱلتوبة) english means repentance . It is the 9th Surah of the Quran, with 129 verses that were revealed in the Holy City of Medina. There are two names for It:AT-TAUBAH and AL-BARA’AT. It is called AT-TAUBAH because it defines the meaning of taubah (repentance) and outlines the requirements for acceptance of taubah. The second name BARA’ AT (Release) is taken from the first word of the Surah and due to which this surat is also known as surah bara’ah. It is the only one Surah of Quran that does not start with BIsmillah.
Surah taubah in Arabic text, full-text pages color-coded with Tajweed rules

Surah Toba does not start with Bismillah
Although there is no authentic hadith specified to the Prophet on the logic behind missing out or skipping the Bismillah, however, various commentators (mufassirūn) have pointed out the reasons behind the absence of “Bismillāh” at the start of Sūrah Tawbah.
- According to certain Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) (Al Tafsīr Al Kabīr, Tafsīr Mazharī), Surat Toba might be viewed as an extension of Surat Anfāl and as a part of the earlier Sura.
- Also, the Prophet Muhammad did not give the command to start this surat with this phrase.
Main topics of surah taubah
Surat tawbah discussed the following main topics.
- Jihad with polytheists and the people of the book were allowed to kill.
- Order to take part in the Jihad.
- Exclusion of disbelievers and idol worshipers from the Kaaba.
- Discrimination between Muslims and hypocrites. The main thing that discriminates between the hypocrites and the Muslims was the Battle of Tabuk (ghazwa tabuk).
- Except for a few Muslims, all Muslims went for Jihad, but hypocrites started making excuses.
- This Surah mentions the Muslims who, for any reason, were unable to take part in this war.
- Three sincere Companions who did not participate in the Battle of Tabuk due to some reasons.
- These three companions that were given 50 days, and then it was confirmed that their repentance was accepted. Allah is Merciful, Accepting Repentance.
surah taubah last 2 ayat / ayat 128-129
لَقَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولٌۭ مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ عَزِيزٌ عَلَيْهِ مَا عَنِتُّمْ حَرِيصٌ عَلَيْكُم بِٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ رَءُوفٌۭ رَّحِيمٌۭ ١٢٨فَإِن تَوَلَّوْا۟ فَقُلْ حَسْبِىَ ٱللَّهُ لَآ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۖ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ ۖ وَهُوَ رَبُّ ٱلْعَرْشِ ٱلْعَظِيمِ ١٢٩
Undoubtedly,, there has come to you a messenger from among you; heavy upon him is your suffering; ardently desirous of your welfare, and to Muslims is most Kind and Merciful(128). If then they turn their faces, then say you, ‘Allah is enough for me, no one is to be worshiped except He. I put my trust in Him, and He is the ‘God of the Supreme Throne. (129)
The last two Ayats of Surah Tawbah are important reminders of how important it is to ask Allah for forgiveness. It is one of the most potent and important passage. It serves as a reminder of Allah’s grace and abundance as well as a proclamation of His forgiveness and mercy for the Muslims. The verses further emphasize the need to follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Benefits of reciting surah taubah
- Allah will protect the person who recite this surah from becoming a hypocrite.
- Whoever reads last 2 verses once after the Fajr prayer, Allah will protect his heart.
- It also gives a strong reminder against shirk.
- By reciting it, we come to know that It provides a clear explanation of the afterlife. Also it describes the rewards for the righteous and the punishments for those who sin. These descriptions act as powerful catalysts, urging believers to place a higher value on everlasting life than the temporary joys of this life.
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