Listen and Download Full Surah At Takasur
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Surah At Takasur (Arabicالتَّكَاثُرُ) meaning the rivalry in world increase. It is th e 102nd surah of the Al-Quran and found in the para 30. This surah contains 8 verses 28 words 123 letters.All commentators regard this Surah as Makki. Considering its contents and style, it is one of the earliest Surahs revealed in Makkah. The name of the Surah, “Al Takasur,” is derived from the first verse ”أَلْهَىٰكُمُ ٱلتَّكَاثُرُ”, which states, “Competition for more gains diverts you from Allah.”
Surah at takasur full-text pages colour-coded with Tajweed rules

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The major topics covered in surah Al Takasur
The main topics of surah are threefold. Firstly, it criticizes those who boast to each other about things that hold no real value. Secondly, it warns about the consequences of the Hereafter and the Hell-fire. Lastly, it reminds us that we will be held accountable for the blessings that we have received in our life.
This Surah cautions people about the negative consequences of becoming too attached to worldly possessions. It emphasizes the chase after wealth, power, and material pleasures and highlights that the competition and bragging about one’s acquisitions will never end until death. Sadly, this pursuit has consumed people’s lives, leaving them with no time or opportunity to pursue spiritual and higher things. It remind people that these material blessings are not just mere blessings but also a means of trial, after warning them about the evil of this pursuit.
What Bounties Are Asked About In The Hereafter?
The last verse of this surah states that the Day of Judgment will hold us accountable for the blessings we have received Some interpret these blessings to refer to physical and mental health, while others believe they include general safety and security. Others still interpret this to encompass all forms of blessings.
“Bounty (in’am)…..
is a ‘ripe date’ and ‘cold water’”.
The Virtues and Benefits of Reciting Surah Takathur
On the virtue of reciting the Surah, a tradition from the Prophet (S) says:“He who recites it, Allah will not account the bounties he was given in the world and He will award him such a reward as if he had recited one thousand verses (of the Qur’an). Additionally tradition from Imam Sadiq (as) denotes that“The recitation of this Surah in the obligatory and optional prayers has a reward similar to Martyrdom.”
Glory of reciting the surah at takasur
Imam al-Ṣādiq (a) stated that one who recites Alhākum al-Takāthur during obligatory prayers would have the reward of one hundred martyrs written for them. Similarly, if someone recites it during a supererogatory prayer, they would receive the reward of fifty martyrs. Forty rows of angels pray along with him in his obligatory prayer.
You can read and listen surah e takathur online here .you can also read surah al anam here.