Free Download Surah Ash Shu’ara
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Ash Shuara (Arabic: الشعراء) is the 26th chapter of the Quran. It consists of 11 Rukus, 227 verses, 1223 words, and 5630 letters. The meaning of surah ash-shu’ara is The Poets.It is Makki Surah, and it opens with Muqatta’at letters طسم. The surah takes its name from its verse 224. This sura is located in the 19th Juz of the Quran. The chapter discusses various prophets and their tribes. It highlights that how the disbelievers were destroyed after threatening the prophets with death. The chapter discusses the mercy of God (Allah), starting with the story of Moses, followed by that of Abraham, and includes tales of destroyed deniers such as Pharaoh and the peoples of Noah, Shu’aib, Lot, and Salih.

Surah Ash Shu’ara summary
- Allah’s message to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is that he should not be overwhelmed with sorrow over the people’s disbelief.
- The story of Musa, Pharaoh, and the deliverance of the children of Israel.
- The story of Ibrahim and his arguments against idol worship.
- Casting into the hell of the mushrikin and their gods is their destiny.
- Accounts of Prophets Nuh, Hud, Saleh, Lut, Shu’aib (pbut) and their communities.
- The Qur’an is revealed in the Arabic language. It underscores that it is not delivered by demons, as it neither aligns with their intentions nor falls within their capability to do so.
- Shaitans target those who engage in slander, listen to gossip, and are dishonest.
Surah Ash Shu’ara benefits
Following are the benefits of reciting this surat:
- Comparing Surah ash Shuara recitation at dawn to reciting all the heavenly books that have been revealed.
- Besides, regular recitation of Surah Shu’ara provides protection against theft, drowning, or death by fire.
- Drinking water infused with Shuara Surah provides protection from various illnesses.
- Reciting Surah ash Shu ara provides insights into the struggles faced by Prophet Muhammad and the prophets before him.
- Moreover, it reminds believers of the trials faced by messengers of Allah, urging steadfastness in faith amidst adversity.
- Reading and understanding it can make you feel closer to God and make your faith stronger.
Ayat of the Ashira (Verse of the Warning)
Surah ash shu’ara ayat 214 is the verse of ashira, instructs Muhammad to warn his closest relatives. The hadith about the warning (يوم الإنذار) , also referred to as the invitation of the relatives (دعوة ذو العشیرة). According to early historians Ibn Sa’d and Ibn Ishaq, the verse of ashira instructed Muhammad to publicly announce his prophetic mission by inviting his relatives to Islam, approximately three years after the first divine revelation. Two versions describe how events unfolded, possibly reflecting two separate attempts by Muhammad, although his uncle Abu Lahab reportedly thwarted both efforts. The verse of the ashira might also draw parallels to Abraham’s admonition to his father in the same chapter (sura) of the Quran.
وَ اَنْذِرْ عَشِیْرَتَكَ الْاَقْرَبِیْنَ(214)
اور اپنے قریبی رشتہ داروں کو ڈراؤ (214)