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Surah An Naziat

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Surah Al Naziat full text pages in color coded with tajweed rules.

Main Topics of Quran Surat Al Naziat

  • Surah An-Nazi’at discusses Qiyamah (the Day of Judgment), its nature, and the fear it instills.
  • It highlights examples of God’s might and its manifestations in creation, a common theme in Meccan chapters, to awaken hearts and call people to the true religion.
  • Allah emphasizes that Qiyamah is an undeniable truth, but only He knows its exact time.

Story of Moses and Pharaoh

Virtues and benefits of quran surah al naziat 

Following are the benefits and virtues reciting surah an naziat

Contemplating the Authority of Allah: The Surah emphasizes Allah’s supreme power, evident in the story of Prophet Moses and Pharaoh. Despite Pharaoh’s authority, he is shown powerless against Allah’s will and Prophet Moses’ signs.

Encouragement for Seeking Repentance: Surah An-Nazi’at vividly portrays the Day of Judgment, regret, and realization individuals will face, underscoring the consequences of theiractions.

Safeguarding and Divine Favor: Reciting the Qur’an is inherently blessed, and bring special protection and blessings. Moreover, Many see regular recitation as a shield against adversity experiencing palpable peace and tranquility.

Lessons in Morality: The Surah contains valuable moral teachings, notably seen in the narrative of Prophet Moses and Pharaoh. This story contrasts humility with arrogance. Furthermore it highlight Pharaoh’s downfall despite his great power, serving as a warning against pride and the denial of truth.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his pure progeny) has narrated that:

Whoever recites Surah An-Nazi’at, their reckoning on the Day of Judgment will be as short and swift as performing an obligatory prayer. 1

in conclusion