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Surah Nasr is the 110th chapter of the Quran Pak.Surat Al-Nasr is also known as ‘Surah Al-Fath,‘ meaning the opening or victory, and ‘Surah Al-Tawdee,’ meaning farewell, signifying the impending death of the Prophet (PBUH). This surah contains a total 3 ayats. It is the second-shortest surat of the Quran after Al-Kusar. According to Tafsir ibn Kathir, this surah holds the significance of being equivalent to one-fourth of the Quran. It was the final surah revealed, coming just a few months before the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Surah al Nasr full-text pages colour-coded with Tajweed rules.

Surat An Nasr Arabic text
بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم
(1)إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُاللهِ وَالْفَتْحُ
(2)وَرَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِی دِينِ اللهِ أَفْوَاجًا
(3)فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَاسْتَغْفِرْهۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ تَوَّابًا
Surah e Nas English translation
In the name of Allah, the most compassionate, most merciful
When Allah’s help comes with victory,
and you see the people entering Allah’s religion in throngs,
then celebrate the praise of your Lord, and plead to Him for forgiveness. Indeed He is all-clement.
Main Theme of Surah e Nasr
The basic theme of Surat An-Nasr is great victory. It teaches the importance of perseverance and trusting in Allah during difficult times, reminding believers that success comes when we seek His help and guidance.
The surah also stresses the importance of unity within the Muslim community, highlighting the need for cooperation, support, and solidarity among believers to overcome challenges together.
The Conquest of Mecca as Mentioned in Surah An-Nasr
Following the breach of the Hudaybiyyah peace treaty, Prophet Muhammad assembled a formidable army of 10,000 individuals from various tribes to conquer Mecca. The army included the following tribes:
- Muhajirun (مُهاجِرون: Immigrants): 700 foot soldiers and 300 horsemen
- Ansar (أنصار: Helpers): 4000 foot soldiers and 500 horsemen
- Mazina (مَزينَة): 1000 foot soldiers, 100 horsemen, and 100 armors
- Aslam: 1000 foot soldiers and 300 horsemen
- Juhaynah (جُهَينَة): 800 foot soldiers and 50 horses
- Banu Ka‘b ibn ‘Amr (بَنو كَعبِ ابنِ عَمرو): 500 foot soldier
- Banu Salīm (بَنو سَليم): 700 foot soldiers
- Banu Ghifār: (بَنو غِفار): 400 foot soldiers
- Other tribes: around 1500 foot soldiers
Benefits and Rewards of recitations of Surah An Nasr
A reminder of Allah’s Help: Sura An-Nasr serves as a potent reminder that success and victory are bestowed by Allah alone. It encourages us to depend on Him during times of adversity, seeking His guidance and support.
Successful Life: If you recite this Surah after your prayers, Allah will assist you in all aspects of life and grant you success against your adversaries, just as He aided Muslims in the past. This will ensure a prosperous and successful life for you.
Ubaidullah b. ‘Abdullah b. ‘Utba (رضي الله عنه) reported: Ibn Abbas (رضي الله عنه) said to me: Do you know-and in the words of Harun (another narrator): Are you aware of-the last Sura which was revealed in the Qur’an as a whole? I said: Yes, اذا جاء نصر الله والفتح
”When came the help from Allah and the victory (110)”
Thereupon, he said: You have told the truth. And in the narration of Abu Shaiba (the words are): Do you know the Sura? And he did not mention the words “the last one”.
Must read Surah Al Fath