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An-Naml (Arabic: النمل) is the 27th chapter of the Quran. It consists of 7 rukus, 93 verses, 1166 words, and 4795 letters. Surah an- Naml is located in the 19th and 20th para (juz) of the Quran and it opens with Muqatti’at letters: “ta-sin” (طس). It is a Makki surah. Another name of this sura is surah sulyman (Arabic: سلیمان). Sura Naml meaning is The Ant. Surah Namal narrates the stories of five prophets: Hazrat Musa,Hazrat Daud, Hazrat Suliman , Hazrat Salih , and Hazrat Lut .It cautions polytheists and offers good news to believers. It also includes information about Allah and signs of monotheism belief, and events related to the resurrection. Another characteristic of Surah al Naml is the two instances of “Bismillaah hir Rahmaanir Raheem” that it contains. The first takes place at the start of the sura, and the second, is in (verse 30) Hazrat Suliman’s letter to the Queen of Saba (Bilqees).
Read colour coded Al-Naml surah with tajweed rules at islamicsurah .com.

Surah an Naml summary
- The Quran provides guidance and blessings for those who follow it.
- Here and in the afterlife, unbelievers are losers.
- The story of Hazrat Musa at the burning bush.
- Rejection of Hazrat Musa’s Prophecy by Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
- Praise of David and Solomon for God.
- Solomon’s rule over humans, birds, and Jinn.
- The Story of Ant and Hazarat Sulyman.
- Surah naml ayat 20 to Surah naml ayat 40 describes the narrative of Sheba’s Queen and her Islamic conversion.
- Denied the prophet Salih by Thamud.
- An evil killing plan of Hazrat Saleh and his family.
- Destruction of the Thamúdites and their planners,and protection of Hazrat Saleh and his followers.
- Lot’s narrative and Sodom’s destruction.
- Praise be to God, a creator and preserver, rather than unreliable deities.
- The non-believers scoff at Muhammad’s warnings.
- Like those who neglected the previous prophets, they will undoubtedly be destroyed.
- The Qur’an resolves controversial issues among Israel’s descendants.
- Through the Beast of the Earth, Allah condemns unbelievers who are oblivious to their mistakes.
- Signs of the judgment and imminent doom of unbelievers.
- Safety of the pious from the fear of judgment.
Benefits of Surah al Naml
The following are the virtues and rewards of reciting Sura al-Naml:
- It is stated that the rewards for those who recite Surat an Naml will be tenfold greater than the number of people who believed in Abraham (a), Salih, Hud (a), and Shu’ayb (a). Additionally, on the day of the resurrection, the person who recites it will say, “There is no god except Allah.”
- Also, Surah Naml recitation can help one become closer to Allah.
- Another hadith is “The person who recites the Twasin sura on Friday evenings will have the support and grace of the Almighty, will not suffer in this life, will be granted heaven in the hereafter until they are completely satisfied, and will be married to one hundred beautiful Hoorul Ein’’
- Besides,Hazrat Imam Sadiq states that “the person who recites the triple suras, starting with Ta Seen (Sura Ash-Shu’ara,suratul Naml, and Qasas), on the eve of Friday night will be considered a friend of Allah, closer to Him, and a beneficiary of His grace and support.”
- Imam Sadiq states that if a person writes down Surah e Naml on deerskin and keeps it at home,then no hazardous creature will come near that house.
- By Surah Naml recitation , one might ask Allah for forgiveness for one’s sins as well as get blessings and rewards.
Surah Al Naml Ayat 62 benefits
Reciting this verse is a way to beg God to end suffering and heal the sick.According to some hadith,surah naml verse 62 is about Imam al-Mahdi.
أَمَّن يُجِيبُ ٱلْمُضْطَرَّ إِذَا دَعَاهُ وَيَكْشِفُ ٱلسُّوٓءَ وَيَجْعَلُكُمْ خُلَفَآءَ ٱلْأَرْضِ ۗ أَءِلَـٰهٌۭ مَّعَ ٱللَّهِ ۚ قَلِيلًۭا مَّا تَذَكَّرُونَ
Surah Naml ayat 62 urdu translation:
یا وہ بہتر جو مجبور کی فریاد سنتا ہے جب وہ اسے پکارے اوربرائی ٹال دیتا ہے اور تمہیں زمین کا وارث کرتا ہے۔ کیا الله کے ساتھ کوئی اورمعبود ہے؟تم بہت ہی کم نصیحت حاصل کرتے ہو۔
Surah an Naml ayat 19
The verse imparts key lessons to believers. It emphasizes gratitude for Allah’s blessings and the sacrifices of parents, highlights the importance of seeking divine guidance for righteous deeds, encourages acts of kindness and service to others, and motivates believers to aspire to righteousness.
surah naml ayat 19 urdu translation:
تو اس کی بات مسکرا کر ہنسا اور عرض کی اے میرے رب! مجھے توفیق دے کہ میں شکر کروں تیرے احسان کا جو تو نے مجھ پر اور میرے ماں باپ پر کیے اور یہ کہ میں وہ بھلا کام کرو ں جو تجھے پسند آئے اور مجھے اپنی رحمت سے اپنے ان بندوں میں شامل کر جو تیرے قرب خاص کے سزاوار ہیں
Embracing Humility and Obedience
Surah an naml ayat 30 31 centers around humility and submission to Allah’s authority, as exemplified by Solomon’s address. It underscores the importance of approaching matters with humility and obedience rather than defiance, acknowledging the sovereignty and mercy of Allah.
Sura Naml ayat 83
83 verse of Surah Naml describe about raja.Although raj’ah actually means “return” in Arabic, it is also used to refer to “the arrival of a group of dead people before the Day of Resurrection.”
اور جس روز ہم ہر اُمت میں سے اس گروہ کو جمع کریں گے جو ہماری آیتوں کی تکذیب کرتے تھے تو اُن کی جماعت بندی کی جائے گی
The Sura is named after the phrase “wad-in-naml” found in surah naml ayat 18, indicating that it relates the story of The Ant.
The first BIsmIllah appears at the start of the surat al naml , and the second Bismillah quotes Prophet Sulaiman’s letter to the Queen of Sheba in verse 30. Hence, surah e namal earns its reputation as the Surah with two Bismillahs.
Surat Namal recounts the detailed story of the hoopoe, pivotal in conveying news of Queen Bilqis to Sulaiman, leading to her conversion to Islam. The hoopoe informed Sulaiman that Bilqis and her people worshipped the sun.
You can read and also listen here all islamic surahs and Darood. Read full story of Hazrat Suleman(A.S).