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Surah Al Waqiah

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Important topics of Surah e Waqiah

  1. The Day of Judgement is unavoidably approaching.
  2. Fears of the day of judgment.
  3. The arrival of the day of judgment will divide men into three classes.
  4. Discussion about uncountable blessings and joys of heaven for righteous.
  5. Hell’s punishment for unbelievers and the wicked is portrayed.
  6. Justifications for the resurrection of the dead are based on God’s actions of creation and mercifulness.
  7. A star-sworn declaration that the Qur’an is a divine book.
  8. As humans are powerless to prevent death, so we must have faith in God.

Benefits of reciting surah waqiah

There are many rewards and virtues of surah waqiah. Some of them are here:

  • If someone recites surah waqiah 3 times at the same place, Rain will fall, and the drought will be lifted.
  • Besides,Reading surah waqiah(chapter 56 of the Quran) 7 times is beneficial in regard to rizq.
  • Hadith about surah waqiah is “A person who recites Surah Waqiah each night would be protected from the agony of death”.
  • Another hadith on surat waqiah is our prophet, says “I have become old due to (Surah) Hud, al-Waqiah [56], al-Murasalat [77], Amma yatasailoon (an-Naba 78) and  ash-Shamsu kuwirat (at-Takweer 81).”(Tirmizi)
  • Surah waqiah for rizq (hadith), surah al-waqi’ah is the surah of wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children. (Ibn Asakir)
  • Further, Ibn Masood (RZ) used to order his daughters to read Surah al Waqi’ah every night. Reciting Surah al Waqiah during the “accepted times” enhances its benefits.The Hajj is one of these occasions.
  • Recitation of waqiah surah is also very beneficial in the Hereafter. Hazrat Muhammed says, “Verily, in Paradise, there is a tree in whose shade a rider could travel for one hundred years. Recite the verse if you wish. ‘And shade extended,’ (56:30). The space of one of your bows in Paradise is better than everything over which the sun rises and sets.”
  • The importance of surah waqiah is that it reminds us about our death and the afterlife. Also, it helps one avoid sins and become closer to Allah . Surah e Waqiah is proof of the fifth pillar of faith, which is the belief in the day of judgment.
Surah al Waqiah ayat 19

surah al waqiah ayat 19 shows the joys and blessings of Jannah for believers and rights.

لَّا يُصَدَّعُونَ عَنْهَا وَلَا يُنزِفُونَ ١٩

”that will cause them neither headache nor intoxication”

Surah al Waqiah ayat 35

surah waqiah ayat 35 shows another blessing of heaven.

35.اِنَّاۤ اَنْشَاْنٰهُنَّ اِنْشَآءً

‘Indeed, We have produced the women of Paradise in a (new) creation”

Three classes of people on the day of judgment

surah al-waqi’ah mentions the division of of people into three classes by Allah.

“You become (of) three kinds: Then the companions of the right – what are the companions of the right?  the companions of the left , what are the companions of the left? And the forerunners, the forerunners – Those are the ones brought near (to Allah). In the Gardens of Pleasure, A (large) company of the former peoples. And a few of the later peoples,” (56:7-14).

As, ayat 88-94 of surah al waqiah states;

And if the deceased was of those brought near to Allah, Then (for him is) rest and bounty and a garden of pleasure. And if he was of the companions of the right, Then (the angels will say), “Peace for you; [you are] from the companions of the right.” But if he was of the deniers (who were) astray, Then (for him is)accommodation of scalding water. And burning in Hellfire.” (56:88-94).

Surah Wakiya FAQ’s

What are the  benefits of surah waqiah after maghrib?

Surah waqiah  bestows blessings, success, prosperity, and fortune upon you and your family when you recite it daily. A safeguarding surah that keeps one safe from poverty.

What is the best time to recite surah waqiah?

Our Prophet (pbuh) instructed the Ummah to recite surah wakiya every night. Before going to bed, you might repeat it after Isha or in between the Maghrib and Isha prayers.

Which surah is for Rizq?

Surah al waqiah chapter 56th of quran is very beneficial for rizq.