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Surah Al-Qiyama (Arabic text: القيامة) englsih meaning is” The Resurrection” or the day of judgment is the 75th chapter or surah of the Holy Quran. The name is derived from the first verse where the word Al-Qiyamah is mentioned. The name is applied to the entire Surah as it provides an account of the resurrection. It was revealed in Holy city of Makkah. It is found in para/juz 29 and has 40 ayats (verses) and 2 rukus.
Surah Qiyamah offers numerous insightful descriptions, including the sequential events at the time of a person’s death and the occurrences that signify the end of the material world and the beginning of an eternal new realm.
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Key theme of surah qiyamah
The main theme of Surah Al-Qiyamah revolves around the spiritual and physical resurrection that will occur at the end of the world. It provides detailed depictions of the Last Day, emphasizing that the resurrection will be so precise that even a person’s fingerprints will be restored.
Main Topics of the surah Qiyamah
Following are the main topics of the surah qayamah.
Resurrection: It emphasizes the physical and spiritual resurrection, depicting detailed accounts of the Last Day.
Judgment: Describes the appearances of the righteous and the wicked, highlighting the contrasting fates of good and evil doers.
Death: Addresses the states of mankind in the throes of death.
Creation of Man: Mentions the creation of man from a drop of semen, illustrating Divine Omnipotence in recreating him.
Revelation: Includes four verses in the middle that discuss the manner of Revelation and recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
Benefits of Surah Qiyamah
Following are the benfits of surah qiyamah
Concerning the reward for reciting Surah Al-Qiyamah, the Messenger of God (S) states,
Gabriel and I will testify for one who recites surah Qiyamah that he had faith in the Day of Judgment. He will enter the scene of gathering on the Last Day whilst his face is brighter than all other creatures. 1
In another Islamic tradition is states as,
One who frequents in reciting surah Qiyamah and acts according to the verses, God the Almighty will resurrect him alongside the holy prophet (S) in the best of manners while his face is joyful until he crosses the Sirat Bridge. 2
Enhancing one’s reputation : Concerning the blessings of reciting Surah Al-Qiyamah, the noble Prophet (S) mentions in a hadith that frequent recitation of this Surah enhances one’s sustenance, security, and popularity among people.
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