Free Download Surah Al Mutaffifin
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Surat Al-Mutaffifin {Arabic: المطففين} is the 83rd the chapter of Quran Pak. It consists of 1 ruku, 36 verses, 169 words,and 750 letters. This sura was revealed in Mecca when the unbelievers began making fun of Muslims and publicly demeaning them in public spaces like the streets and places of assembly. The sura takes its name from its first verse, Wayl-ul-Lil Mutaffifin. Surah al Mutaffifin Arabic text is located in the 30th para (juz) of Quran. Surah Mutaffifin meaning is The Defrauders. The opening line of this Meccan surat warns those who make use of fake weights and measures and the terrible day that lies ahead. When the righteous will receive great rewards and the wicked will suffer terrible punishments. The sura concludes by saying that those who mock the believers will receive punishment.
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Important Topics in Mutaffifin Surah
- Criticism of those who use fake weights and measures.
- Record of the wicked people’s deeds in the book Sajjín.
- Woe to those who disbelieve in Muhammad and the day of judgment!
- Also record of good deeds of the virtuous in Illiyún.
- Heaven’s rewards for the righteous
- Now, unbelievers make fun of believers, but they are going to be laughed at.
Surah Mutaffifin benefits
Following are the virtues and rewards of surah mutaffifin recitation:
- Hazrat Imam Sadiq says:If a person recite surat Mutaffifin in his mandatory prayers,Allah will protect him on the Judgment Day. Then, he won’t meet the fire, nor the fire will meet him.
- Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) says: ‘’Reciting Surah Mutaffifin full pdf on a treasure will ensure its safety. It is indeed safe to recite on everything, even objects that are in danger from Earth’s pests.’’
- Another hadith of Hazrat Muhammad is: God will give those who recites Surah Mutaffifin word by word,a drink of sealed honey on Qiyamah.
- It motivates believers to pursue justice and righteousness in all facets of their lives.
- Our Prophet states that:A black mark appears on the believer’s heart when they commit sin. His heart will be polished if he asks for pardon, confesses his sin, and repents. Nevertheless, the black mark grows larger if the transgression does.The Book of Allah mentions that Ran.
Kitabun Marqum (کتاب مرقوم)
“Kitabun Marqum” (کتاب مرقوم) refers to “Written Record’’. Here, the word “ketab” also denotes a decree. The term “marqum” (مرقوم), which comes from the orogin of the word “raqama” (رقم), denotes accurate and unique writing that is distinct from other writing. This kitaab (book) is a record of all our deeds.
“Kitab al-Fujjar” (کتاب الفجار) means the deeds of wicked people. And the term Sijjin originates from the word “sijn”, which means prison. Sijjin is also thought to be a location where unbelievers’ souls remain until they are resurrected. Another interpretation holds that it is an account of the wicked or a register of those who are condemned.
Illeeyyin (علیین)
Surah mutaffifin ayat 18 shows that “Illeeyyin’’ is a book that records all the good deeds of the pious. The word originates from the root “uluww” (علوّ), which means lofty. It is also a term from the Quran that denotes the “highest” and “most supreme”regions above Jannah.
Surah At-Tatfif is another name of this sura. The primary theme of surah wailul lil mutaffifin is Islamic eschatology, or the hereafter. The surat begins with a critique of people who make fake use of erroneous scales and weights. The sura effectively and magnificently clarifies the connection between morality and the idea of the Hereafter. It acts as a warning that God is righteous and that everyone is responsible for their own acts. In commercial transactions, Surah Mutaffifin emphasizes the value of equity and justice.
Read and listen surah mutaffifin sudais.Download Surah al Mutaffifin pdf and also read here Surah an Naml and al Anfal here.
The surah warns that the wicked’s actions are recorded in the Book of Sajjín (verses 7-9) and highlights the consequences for those who reject Muhammad and deny the judgment-day (verses up to 17).
We should ensure fairness and equity in all our actions, granting individuals their due rights.
At that time, the revelation of this Surah occurred when people began mocking the Muslims and publicly disgracing them in streets and assemblies.