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Surah Al Mulk

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Surah Mulk arabic text, Read full-text pages colour-coded with Tajweed rules

Main topics in Surah Al-Mulk

Surah e Mulk describes the following main points.

  1.  Allah is the owner of this universe.
  2.  Lamps, or stars, adorn the lower heavens.
  3. No one can protect you from Allah’s wrath or assist you in rebelling against Him.
  4. Hell’s inhabitants will lament, saying that, “If we had only give ear to the call of Islam, we would not be here this day.”
  5. The greatness of the God who created this majestic world.
  6. It also talks about the whole command and dominion that belongs to the God.

Benefits & virtues of reciting Surah e Mulk

There are more advantages and virtues of recitation of Surah Mulk, which include:

  • Reciting Sort al Mulk can shield you from severe suffering  of grave.
  • On the day of judgment, it will beg Allah’s pardon for its reciter. In addition, for each letter you read from the holy Quran, you will receive ten awards.
  • Reading complete Surah e Mulk is a Sunnah. Ibn Abbas (R.A) narrates that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) said: “It (Surah Al Mulk) is a protector; a rescuer; saving from the chastisement of the grave.”
  • By reciting this mulk surah, our faith is strengthened.Moreover, Reading Surah e Mulk draws us closer to Allah and serves as a reminder of all the gifts we have, all of which belong to him alone.
  • Reciting Surah al-Mulk, we get Salvation. Abdullah ibn Abbas said: “Personally, recite Surah Al Mulk and teach it to your wife, children and to all the other children who live in your home, and even to your neighbors, because it is that which grants salvation, and it will firmly demand (for your) salvation from Allah.”
  • Surah Mulk recitation builds a strong emphasis on the concept of Tawheed, or Allah’s Oneness. Whereby the human soul grows closer to faith and dependence on God by the powerful words of Surah Mulk. It helps us remember why we are here and the significance it is that we perform our obligations to Allah.

When to read Surah e Mulk? Sura e mulk recitation

Read Surah Al Mulk before sleep

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) recommended reading Sureh Mulk every night before going to bed, as mentioned in a hadith. Abdullah bin Mas‘ud narrates, “Whoever recites Surah al-Mulk every night, Allah will prevent the punishment of grave by this Surah”.

Can one recite Surah Al-Mulk every day?

Yes, you can recite Surah Al-Mulk every day. It is recommended to maintain a regular practice of reciting it to seek its blessings and protection.

Al Mulk ” Sovereignty”

تَبَٰرَكَ ٱلَّذِي بِيَدِهِ ٱلۡمُلۡكُ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيۡءٖ قَدِيرٌ ١

The meaning of Al-Mulk is “The Sovereignty”. The main message to be taken from Sora Mulk is the majesty of God. The lesson conveyed is that everything in this universe is under His control, and that He provides direction to all people. To get blessings in this life as well as the next, it is now up to believers to decide what and how to follow.

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