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Surah Lahab (Arabic: سورة لهب), meaning ”The Flame”, is the 111th surah of the Quran. This surah is known by two names. These names are derived from Verse 1 and Verse 5, where the words “Lahab” and “Masad” are mentioned, meaning “the flame” and “palm fiber,” respectively.
The first name is derived from the verse 1 تَبَّتْ يَدَا أَبِي لَهَبٍ وَتَبَّ ”May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he.” The second name is derived from verse 5. فِي جِيدِهَا حَبْلٌ مِنْ مَسَدٍ ”Around her neck is a rope of [twisted] fiber”.
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Main theme of the Surah tu Lahab
Summary of Surah al-Masd is as follows:
The main topic of this Surah is Abu Lahab, who opposed and did not accept the Prophet and his message. Abu Lahab was the uncle of the Prophet and vehemently opposed Islam, with his wife supporting him in this opposition.
Whos was Abu Lahab ?
The real name Abu Lahab, was Abdul Uzza bin Abdul Muttalib, who was the uncle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was known as Abu Lahab due to the brightness of his face. The Arabic word “Lahab” means flames, which was his nickname because of his radiant reddish complexion. Abu Lahab and his wife were among the most hostile adversaries of Prophet Muhammad and the message he preached.
Punishment of Abu Lahab and His Wife Umm Jamil….
His wife, Umm Jamil, was among the prominent women of the Quraysh. Her name was Arwah bint Harb, and she was the sister of Abu Sufyan. She supported her husband in his disbelief, rejection, and stubbornness. She would place thorns in the path of the Prophet. Therefore, on the Day of Judgment, she will assist in administering his punishment in the fire of Hell. Thus, Allah says, “وَامْرَأَتُهُ حَمَّالَةَ الْحَطَبِ – فِى جِيدِهَا حَبْلٌ مِّن مَّسَدٍ” (His wife, the carrier of firewood, will have a rope of palm fiber around her neck). This means she will carry firewood and throw it upon her husband to increase his torment.
The Lessons of Surah Al Lahab
Following are the lessons of Surah Al Masad .
Prophet (PBUH) Encountered Numerous Challenges in Dawah: Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) endured many hardships in delivering Allah’s message, as did other messengers of Allah.
Respond to Haters strongly: Quran guides us on how to interact with various pople and respond to detractors. It cultivates a strong Muslim who takes pride in their religion and firmly believes in Allah (SWT).
Surah Al-Masad attests to the miraculous nature of the Quran. Specifically, in this Surah, the Quran clearly states that Abu Lahab would enter Hellfire. Despite having the opportunity to feign belief, Abu Lahab nonetheless remained an unbeliever until his death.
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