Surah Al Jinn

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Al-jinn( الجن) surah is the 72nd Chapter (surah) of the Quran. It consists of 2 rukus,28 verses,286 words, and 1109 letters. Surah jin is a Makki surah, and surah jinn meaning The jin, an invisible creation for naked eyes like angels. The Chapter’s title indicates that its principal topics are unseen beings, the jins, and their trust in the Holy Qur’an, the Resurrection, and the Noble Prophet of the Islamic faith (S), as well as the groupings of believers and disbelievers among them. The final verses discuss the understanding of the invisible, which is unknowable to all entities save God Almighty. Hazrat Imam Sadiq narrated that   Surah al Jin recitation repeatedly will protect one from the Jinn’s and magicians’ tricks, bad energy, and ploys and will also bring one closer to Muhammad (pbuh). Oh God! I will never turn away from him since I only believe in him.

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Surah jinn Summary

  1. Sura jin ayat 1 shows how, After hearing the Qur’an, the jinn accepted Islam.
  2. The absurdity of humans and jinn`s attributing children and wife to God.
  3. Flaming darts are used to chase away jinnat who are trying to access heaven’s secrets.
  4. Various groups of jins, some of which are Muslims and others unbelievers.
  5. The surat describes the Reward of paradise for believers (jinn) whereas, the punishment of hell for nonbelievers.
  6. Even the Prophet couldn’t hurt someone or impart knowledge without Allah’s Will.
  7. Surah al jin ayat 18 shows The Masjid is a place of worship exclusively for Allah; other gods should not worship there.
  8. After all,The unbelievers will face God’s judgments.
  9. Only God’s apostles receive access to his secrets.

Surah Jinn benefits

According to surah jin ki fazilat, some rewards and virtues of jin surah are here.

  • A narration from Imam Bakir (RA) states that on the Day of Resurrection, the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) and the reciter of this Sura will be together.
  • Firstly,Surah e jinn is a surah to protect from jinn. Surah al jinn ayat 13 describes whoever believes in his Lord will not fear any oppression.
  • Recite Quran Surah Jinn 7 times or Surah Jinn 100 times to drive out and burn Jins’.
  • Moreover,growth in comprehension and intelligence is included in the benefits of reading surah al jinn.
  • The concept of reading surah jinn at night or in a dark room to control a jin is wrong and baseless.But recitation of this is equally important for spiritual satisfaction.
  • Furthermore,proper recitation of Surah Al-Jinn full ensures that one will never experience hunger or poverty.
  • The suggested practice to heal a person under the control of an evil spirit is to recite the 33 Aayat al Hirz (manzil) onto them.
  • Besides,Carrying Surah Al-Jinn Taweez would ensure your wealth and protection.
  • It is narrated from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that ”whoever recites this Surat will have a reward equal to the number of all the jinns and devils who believe in Muhammad (pbuh)”.

First 5 ayats of Surah Jin

The Surat’s first verse confirms that Hazrat Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) did not see the jinn with his eyes. Instead, Allah almighty informed him about the incident of listening to the Quran. In kanzul iman it describes that they are nine in number. This verse beautifully describes how Quran recitation amazes his listeners. The Jinns confirmed that the Qur’an is a source of truth and Tawheed. They praised Him and disapproved of any polytheistic ideas. It is incredible in and of itself. By listening to a short part of the Quran, their immediate confession of Islam is a guide for us.Allah Almighty deserves to be worshiped, and Allah has no wife or child,” as stated in the Quran.

قُلْ هُوَ ٱللَّهُ أَحَدٌ (1)ٱللَّهُ ٱلصَّمَدُ(2)لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ(3)وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُۥ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌۢ(4)

Reality of jin (an invisible creation)

A lot of people think that jins are just an ancient superstition and myth, not real. Their opinion is not based on the realities and truths of the universe, nor can they claim to have any direct knowledge that the jins do not exist. Because they cannot see them. Verses #8–10 reveal that the jinn had the chance to listen in on the sky to receive news from the unseen prior to Muhammad (peace be upon him) being appointed as a Rasool. However, following Muhammad’s (PBUH) appointment, they discovered that angels had been assigned to defend them and that meteorites were being fired at them from all directions. As a result, they were unable to locate any area of safety from which to obtain the confidential information.

Surat e Jin FAQ’s

Q: Surah jinn in which para?

Surah jinn para number is 29 in the Quran.

Q: What happens if you read surah jinn 41 times?

Make daily du’a to Allah and recite Suratul Jin 41 times after Fajr and 66 times after Isha. In the name of Allah, he would continue to pray calmly and zealously.

Q: What is sura al jinn about?

It is the 72nd chapter of the Quran, which consists of 28 is a surah about jin, an invisible creation of Allah for the human naked eye.