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Al infitar surah (Arabic: الإنفطا ر ) english meaning cleave or split asunder,is the 82nd chapter of the Quran. This surah is present in para 30th of the Quran and contains 19 verses. . It takes its name from verse 1: “لسَّمَاءُ انْفَطَرَتْ and it primarily focuses on the Day of Judgment. . It describes the events leading up to it, the occurrence of the world’s end, and the outcomes for both the righteous and the wicked. Additionally, it addresses the recording of deeds and contrasts human arrogance with divine reality.
Surah Infitar and Surah At-Takwir closely resemble each other in their subject matter. Both chapters deal with themes related to the Day of Judgment, detailing the events that will transpire, the fate of individuals based on their deeds,
Read Surah Infitar full text pages in colour coded with Tajweed rules .

Main Theme of Surat Al Infitar
The Main theme of surah al infitar is
The main theme of the aurat is the day of Judgment. A description of the events on the Day of Judgment includes the destruction of the sky, celestial bodies, the eruption of seas, and the overturning of graves. Verses 6-9 address humanity, questioning what has deceived them concerning their Lord, who created and formed them. Infitar Surat Verses 10-12 describe how angels guard and record human deeds. Verses 13-19 discuss the bliss and punishment of Judgment Day, emphasizing that on that day, the command will belong entirely to God.
Signs of the End Times in Surah Infitar
Splitting apart of the sky: When the sky is torn asunder.
The stars, held together like a strand of pearls by a thread, will scatter when that thread is broken: When the stars are dispersed.
The earth will turn graves inside out, revealing the hidden bodies of the dead buried within: When the graves are overturned.
Kareem (کریم) Mean in Surah Infitar …….
Different scholars provided different meanings of the word al infitar:
He gives both what belongs to him and what doesn’t, without asking for what is rightfully his.
He’s someone who asks for little but gives generously in exchange.
It has been suggested that one aspect of God’s generosity lies in His refusal to merely forgive sins without also endeavoring to transform them into something good.
Benefits of Recitation of Surat Infitar
Beleived of the Hereafter:Surah Infitar serves as a powerful reflection on the Day of Judgment, urging believers to ponder the fleeting nature of life on Earth. It fosters a profound consciousness of the Hereafter, urging individuals to prioritize virtuous actions and inner development.
It offers a safeguard against malevolent forces and potential dangers, shielding from harm and negativity. This protection serves as a barrier, shielding individuals or entities from the influence or impact of evil or harmful elements. It encompasses various forms of defense, whether physical, spiritual, or metaphysical, providing assurance and security against adverse energies or intentions.
Motivation to do good things: Surah Infitar inspires believers to do good deeds like being kind, giving to charity, and living righteously, by reminding them of accountability in the Hereafter. It encourages a life filled with virtue and compassion, fueled by the hope of divine rewards.
Must read Surah At Takwir here