Free Download Surat Al Hijr
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Surat al-Hijr (Arabic: الحِجْرْ) is the 15th chapter of the Quran. It consists of 6 rukus, 99 verses, 658 words, and 2881 letters. Surah Hijr is a Makki sura, and it opens with Muqaṭṭaʻāt letters الر. Surah al-hijr, meaning The Stoneland, The chapter is called “Hejr” because it talks about a group of people led by Prophet Saleh. They lived in a place called Hijr, so they were known as the people of Hijr too. This chapter gets its name from its 80th verse. This chapter briefly talks about Tawhid (the oneness of God) and warns those who don’t believe in it. The main themes of the chapter are:
- Warning those who rejected the message of Islam.
- Offering comfort and encouragement to Muhammad.
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Surah al-Hijr summary
- The Qur’an Majeed is a Divine Book.
- On the Day of Judgement, those who didn’t believe will wish they had become Muslims.
- Allah has taken it upon Himself to preserve and protect the Qur’an.
- A lesson from the story of Adam’s creation, where the angels bowed to him, but Shaitan refused to bow.
- The same two angels who destroyed the nation of Lut also brought Prophet Ibrahim the good news that he would have a son.
- Surah al hijr ayat 87 shows that Al-Fatiha is also known as the “seven verses frequently recited.”
- Command of Allah to openly declare His commandments and turn away from the mushrikin.
Surah al-Hijr benefits
Followings are the benefits of reciting surat hijr:
- According to our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad , “Anyone who recites al hijr sura, Allah will reward them as much as the Muhajirun and Ansar.”
- The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad says that, if Surah Hijr is written with saffron and given to a nursing mother with low milk supply, her milk will increase.
- If someone reads verse nine of Surah Hijr 41 times over dried figs and eats a few each day, their memory will get better.
- If someone writes Surat Al-Hijr on paper and wears it, they’ll do well in business.
The Unchanging Quran
The Quran surah al hijr ayat 9 shows that the Quran can’t ever be changed. In surat al hijr ayat 9, “Dhikr” refers to the Quran. Thus, Allah Himself safeguards the Quran from any alteration, addition, or omission. The Quran, the Prophet’s living miracle, has remained unchanged for over 14 centuries. Anyone who reads the Quran carefully will see this truth.
(9)إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ
Why We Must Worship Allah Until We Die?
Most scholars interpret “certainty” in surah al hijr ayat 99, as referring to death, because death is inevitable. The instruction to worship Allah until death comes is given because continuous worship makes one a true servant of Allah. However, saying “until death comes to you” means that a person is required to worship Allah until the end of their life.
وَ اعْبُدْ رَبَّكَ حَتّٰى یَاْتِیَكَ الْیَقِیْنُ(99)
In the Holy Quran Surah al hejr para number is 13 and 14.
This verse describes how Allah will purify the hearts of believers, removing any ill feelings, and they will be like brothers, sitting on thrones facing one another in Paradise.