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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Surah Al Haqqah (Arabic: الحاقة) eanglish meaning is the ”inevitable reality” is the 69th surah of the Holy Quran. The surah derives its name from its opening three verses, where the word “Haqqah,” meaning “the Inevitable Truth”—one of the names for Qiyamah—is mentioned three times. Al haqqah surah is present in para 29 and consists of total 52 ayats. There are two sections in this surah. The first section is about the coming resurrection and occurrence of hereafter. The second section of al haqqah surah talks about the disbeliever of Makkah. Surah Haqqah is also known as Silsilah (سلسله) and Wa’iyah (واعیه).
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The Day of Resurrection
(2)مَا الْحَاقَّةُ
(3)وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا الْحَاقَّةُ
One of the fundamental themes addressed in the Quran and by the messengers of God across time has been Qiyamah, known as the Inevitable Truth in Surah Haqqah. Humans don’t merely grasp this concept through intellect but receive it through divine guidance.
Key theme of Surah Haqqah
As the name suggests, a major theme of Surah Haqqah, discussed in vivid detail, is the Incontestable Day, where believers and non-believers face the consequences of their deeds from the material world. The surah recounts the history of ancient tribes such as ‘Ad, Thamud, Lut, the people of Noah, and the Pharaoh, who rejected their prophets and were destroyed by God’s wrath. Additionally, Surah Haqqah highlights the grandeur and magnificence of the Quran and affirms the truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad (S).
Surah al Haqqah main topics
There are two main sections of this surah
The first section discusses the Hereafter, affirming the inevitability of the Resurrection. It illustrates the Day of Judgment, where everyone will stand before Allah, their secrets revealed, and their records handed to them. The second section confirms the Qur’an as a revelation from Allah and the Prophet as His true Messenger.
In the second section, the disbelievers of Makkah are told that the Qur’an is not the word of a poet or soothsayer but a Revelation from Allah, delivered by His Messenger, who cannot alter it. If he did, Allah would cut off his jugular vein.
Surah Haqqah Benefits
- In a narration, the Noble Prophet (S) mentions that reciting Surah Haqqa will lighten the burden of sins for the reciter. Additionally, he states elsewhere that reciting the entire Surah Haqqah will bestow light upon the entire body of the reciter.
- In another narration from Imam Baqir (AS), Muslims are encouraged to recite Surah Haqqa regularly. Its recitation in both obligatory and voluntary prayers symbolizes their faith in God and His Messenger (S). Furthermore, the one who recites it will maintain a steadfast faith until meeting their Lord, provided they fulfill their religious duties.
- Additionally, note that Surah Haqqah actively aids in safeguarding the intelligence and development of the unborn child in a pregnant woman’s womb as it grows.
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