Free Download Surah Al Furqan
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Al-Furqan Surah (Arabic: اَلْفُرْقَانْ) is the 25th chapter of the Quran. It consists of 6 Rukus, 77 verses, 897 words, and 3877 letters. It is a Makki sura, and the Surah al-Furqan meaning is “The Criterion.” Surah Furqan addresses themes such as monotheism, the Day of Judgment, prophethood, and the battle against idolatry. Its concluding verses describe the characteristics of true believers. Additionally, Surah Furqan includes verses that address the excuses of polytheists and provide responses to them.
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Surah Furqan summary
- The Qur’an serves as the criterion for distinguishing between right and wrong.
- The responses to the polytheists’ justifications.
- Those who do wrong are the ones who refuse to accept the Truth, disbelieve in the Messenger, and deny the Day of Judgment and life after death.
- On Judgment Day, the gods worshipped by the polytheists will reject any divine status and blame the polytheists for their association with them.
- Surah Furqan ayat 27 describes the People’s regret at the Day of Judgement.
- The story of previous nations, like the Rass people.
- Indications of belief in one God and the greatness of Allah seen in nature.
- The reasoning for revealing the Qur’an gradually is clarified.
- Allah’s directive is to engage in Jihad against disbelief with the Qur’an.
- Comparison between believers and non-believers.
Surah Furqan benefits
Following are the benefits of reciting Surat Furqan:
- The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad is quoted as saying, “Anyone who recites Surat al Furqan will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment with firm belief in the Day of Judgment and the resurrection of the dead from their graves. Such a person will enter paradise without being held accountable for their deeds.”
- Musa ibn Ja‘far al-Kāẓim said, “Do not neglect the Quran Surah Furqan recitation, for whoever recites it at night will be spared from Allah’s punishment and accountability for their deeds. Allah will grant them entry into paradise.”
- Reciting verse 11 help alleviate shortness of breath.
- Surah al Furqan ayat 20 emphasizes that previous messengers were ordinary humans who ate food and engaged in daily activities, and that people are tested through their interactions with one another, highlighting the importance of patience.
- “If someone wants to get married, they should fast for three days. Every night before bed, they should recite Surah Furqan ayat 74 -76 twenty one times, and then pray to Allah for their wish to be granted. This will help make their marriage easier.”
Surah Furqan ayat 23 benefits
The benefits of reciting verse 23 of Surah Furqaan are significant, as it helps prevent the reciter from committing evil deeds and encourages them to perform good deeds that please Allah.
وَ قَدِمْنَاۤ اِلٰى مَا عَمِلُوْا مِنْ عَمَلٍ فَجَعَلْنٰهُ هَبَآءً مَّنْثُوْرًا(23)
Miracle of the Two Seas
Surat Furqan, verse 53, describes the inspiring phenomenon of two seas meeting, yet remaining separate. This verse serves as a testament to Allah’s power and the marvels of His creation. Just as the sweet and salty waters of these seas do not mix despite their convergence, it highlights the divine barrier that Allah has placed between them to maintain their distinctiveness. This natural occurrence is a profound miracle, demonstrating Allah’s mastery over the universe. The real-world example of the Baltic Sea and the North Sea meeting, yet their waters remaining separate, reflects the truth of this Quranic verse and reinforces the wonder of Allah’s creation.
وَ هُوَ الَّذِیْ مَرَجَ الْبَحْرَیْنِ هٰذَا عَذْبٌ فُرَاتٌ وَّ هٰذَا مِلْحٌ اُجَاجٌۚ-وَ جَعَلَ بَیْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخًا وَّ حِجْرًا مَّحْجُوْرًا(53)
Attributes of the servants of Rahman
Surah Furqan verse 63 emphasizes the qualities of true servants of Allah, highlighting their humility and peaceful nature. It states: “And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth gently, and when the ignorant address them, they say ‘Peace.'” This verse underscores the importance of humility, patience, and maintaining peace, reinforcing the behavior expected of believers in their interactions with others.
وَ عِبَادُ الرَّحْمٰنِ الَّذِیْنَ یَمْشُوْنَ عَلَى الْاَرْضِ هَوْنًا وَّ اِذَا خَاطَبَهُمُ الْجٰهِلُوْنَ قَالُوْا سَلٰمًا(63)
In the Quran Pak Surah Furqan juz no is 18 and 19.
It serves as a reminder of the significance of human relationships and the divine purpose behind human life, encouraging believers to reflect on their origins and responsibilities in the world.
The last verse and the Surah Furqan last ruku reinforces important principles of faith, accountability, and reliance on Allah, providing guidance and encouragement for believers.
Reciting Surah al Furqan Ayat 74 brings spiritual benefits by promoting mindfulness, gratitude, and piety in relation to one’s family, and by seeking Allah’s blessings and protection for them.