Listen and Download full Surah Al Fath
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Read Surah Al Fath full text online
Surah Al-Fath is the 48th Surah of the Holy Quran. Verse 1 ‘’إِنَّا فَتَحْنَا لَكَ فَتْحًا مُّبِينًا ” ‘’Indeed, We have granted you a clear triumph ˹O Prophet’’, from which the name is drawn, The name of Surah Fatah الفتح means’’ The Victory’’. Sure fath is found in para (juz)26 of the Holy Quran. It contains 4 rukus and 29 ayaat (verses). Al fatah Surah is about the problems with the agreement of Hudaybiyyah. Surat Al Fath was sent down as the Holy Prophet was returning to Madinah following the agreement of the peace treaty of Hudaibiyah with Makkah’s disbelievers.
Surah e fatah full-text pages colour-coded with Tajweed rules

Main topics in Surah Al Fateh
Sarah Al-Fath covers the following main topics.
- The triumph gained by adopting the Hudaibiyah Treaty of Peace.
- The hypocrites and their false excuses for not going for battles.
- The Believers who obey the Prophet make Allah happy. Allah’s promise to Believers.
- Promise of future plunder/spoils.
- The triumph attained by adopting the Hudaibiyah Treaty of Peace..
- Allegiance on Prophet’s Hand is equal to allegiance on God’s Hand.
- The prophet’s dream about doing the Hajj in Mecca came true.
- The great God comforts faithful believers but punishes cheaters.
- The first pilgrimage is mentioned in 48:27.
- In Surah Al-Fatah, all problems concerning the Hudaybiyyah Agreement are addressed.
A different name for Sora Alfatha is Victory Surah because it talks about the incredible victory that Allah gave to the Muslims and the Holy Prophet. Allah’s statement, “Verily, We have given you a manifest victory.” indicates an assured and obvious win”.
Benefits and virtues of Surah al-Fath
Here are some Benefits and virtues of Sura al Fath
- Sura Fatha recitation has countless health benefits, including the ability to solve health issues. Assume that the ailing folks will drink the water after hearing the recitation of the sure Fath. With Allah’s blessing, the illness will soon be better.
- Reciting Surah 48 Al-Fatah can protect one from losing or destroying wealth, property, valuables, and irreplaceable items.
- Suratul Fatah is dearest Surah according to Sunnah since upon reading this Surah, Jibril expressed his love for Hazrat Muhammad SAW. After that, the close companions of Rasool Allah also offer their congratulations.
- Drinking water that dissolved Surat Fath can heal heart issues and safeguard travelers.
- The respected Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (razi allahu anhu) stated that those who recite Fath Surah will be counted among Allah’s (S.w.T.) loyal and sincere followers and will be accorded an honorable place in Jannah.
Final Verdict
To sum up, the Prophet holds the greatest emotions for this surah. There are more benefits of surah fath that will boost readers’ health as well. Surah Fatih is perfect for safely traveling while protecting lands and possessions. Say this Surah often to receive a great reward from Allah.
You can read and listen to complete Surah e Fatah online here and download the complete Juz 26 pdf and ar rahman surah in PDF here. You can also read and listen Surah Yasin here.