Free download Surat Al Falak
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Surah e Falaq (اَلْفَلَق) is the 113th chapter (surah) of the Quran.It contains 5 verses,1 ruku,23 words, and 71 letters. Al Falaq Sura is located in the 30th para (juz) of the Quran, and it is a Makki Surat. The meaning of surah falaq is The Day Break. Qul falaq surah protects us from the evil of all envious. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) commanded Ibn Abis Al-Juani. “O Ibn ‘Abis, shall I not tell you of the best thing with which those who seek refuge with Allah may do so?” “Yes,” he said, “O Messenger of Allah.” He stated: “Say: I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of the daybreak.” (surah Al-Falaq), “Say: I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of mankind.” These two Surahs (Al-Nas).surah al nas and falak are both powerful surahs and also known as “Al mu’awwadah” (مُعَوَّذَة).
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Surah Falaq summary
The Quran Surah al falaq offers some divine teaching instructions that the holy Prophet (S), in particular, and all Muslims, in general, are to seek shelter with Allah from all forms of evil that arise from the outside world, from schemes of the dark and wicked, and jealousy of others. Furthermore,Surah al faleq ayat 4 is a special prayer of protection from all kinds of magics.
Surah Falaq benefits
There are many rewards and virtues of surat Falak. Some of them are here:
- Surah Falaq dua is beneficial for a sick person. Hazrat Ayesha stated ”Whenever Hazrat Muhammad (P BU H) became sick, he would recite Mu’awwidhat (Surat Falak and Surah An-Nas) and then blow over his hand and then move over his whole body”.
- Surah falaq recitation protects us against the evil eye. Abu Saeed AlKhudri (R.A.) reported: ”Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) used to seek protection against the evil of jinaat and the evil eyes till Surat Falak and Surat Nas were revealed. After the revelation of these surahs, he took to them to seek Allah’s protection and left everything beside them”.
- Moreover,Recite surat falak 100 times for the safety of the house or office from Shytan for the upcoming 40 days.
- The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is reported to have said that reciting the two surahs al-Nas and al-Falaq is equivalent to reciting all of the divine books of the holy prophets.
- In addition,Reciting Surah Falaq in dream could represent divine defence against the evil that exists among humans and jinn.
Surah al Falaq transliteration
Bismillaah hir rehman nir raheem.
Qul a’uuzu bi rab bil-falaq.
Min shar ri maa khalaq,
Wa min shar ri ghaasiqin izaa waqab,
Wa min sharrin naffaa saati fill uqad,
Va min sharri haasidin izaa hasad.
Surah falaq in english translation
Read here surah al falaq (meaning) in english;
Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak , From the evil of whatever He created, And from an overwhelming (night) evil when it approaches ,And from the evil of blowing on the knot, And from the evil of the envier when he envies.
Surah falaq urdu translation
کہو میں پناہ مانگتا ہوں صبح کے رب کی , اس کی تخلیق کے شر سے, اوراندھیری رات کے شر سے جب وو چھا جاۓ, اور گرہ پر پھونک مارنے والیوں کے شر سے, اور حسد کرنے والے کے شر سے جب وہ حسد کرے
Read and listen here surah falaq audio by sudais.Download surah falaq pdf with surah falaq image.You can also read here Surah Al Ikhlas and Surat An Nas.
Surat al falak FAQ’s
Surah e Falak means the is also known as mu`awidaat means seaking refuge.
It is a chapter about the divine instruction of Allah for his prophet and all Muslims for the sake of protection.
It is a protection prayer for them, and memorization of this sura is very easy.
It teaches us only Allah is a great protector. We should always seek Allah’s refuge. According to Uqbah ibn ‘Amir, after every prayer, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings upon him, gave me the instruction to recite the two chapters of refuge, al-Falak and al-Nas(next surah from this which is equally important). It shows the importance of surat falak.