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Surah Al Araf

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Surah al Araf summary

Surat al Araf covers the following topics:

  • The inception and culmination of creation.
  • It also describes the Prophet’s and people’s responsibility in preserving the divine verses and decrees.
  • Discussion of Monotheism.
  • Satan’s endeavors to discourage people from following God’s commands.
  • Combatting polytheism.
  • The punishmens in the worid for those who defied divine decrees.
  • In world, the covenant between Allah and people.
  • The stories about people from long ago and prophets like Adam (AS), Saleh (AS), Noah (AS), Moses (AS), Shuaib (AS), and Lot (AS) are meant to teach important lessons to everyone.
  • The responsibility of the Prophet concerning those who violate boundaries.

Surah al Araf benefits

Following are the benefits of Surah al Araf:

  • In a hadith, the Messenger of God (S) states that On the Day of Judgment, Allah will erect a protective barrier between the one who recites surah Araaf and Satan, and will grant them companionship with Prophet Adam (AS).
  • Abu Abdillah (AS) narrates that Those who recite al Araf Surah every month will be among those who experience neither fear nor sorrow on the Day of Judgment, and if they recite it every Friday, they will not be subject to questioning on that Day.
  • In a hadith, Prophet Muhammad (S) states that Whoever writes Surah Araf and keeps it with them will, by God’s permission, be protected from enemies and wild animals.
  • Increase in sustenance is one of the surah al araf ayat 10 benefits.

(10)وَلَقَدْ مَكَّنَّاكُمْ فِي الأَرْضِ وَجَعَلْنَا لَكُمْ فِيهَا مَعَايِشَ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَشْكُرُونَ


Q. Surah al Araf in which para?

Surah Al Araf is located in 7 and 8 juz of the Quran.

Q. What is Surah al Araf about?

Surat Al-A’raf vividly recounts the creation story, including Adam and Eve’s expulsion from paradise by Satan, Satan as humanity’s primary foe.

Q. What is Surah al Araf 126 about?

Surah Al-A’raf, verse 126 emphasizes the duty of spreading the message of the Quran to those who are unaware, offering hope of forgiveness and reward to those who receive it.

Q. Importance of Surah al Araf verse 204?

The Surah al Araf recitation holds significant importance. 204 verse of Surat al Araf is that; “When the Quran is recited, listen to it attentively and remain silent, so that you may be shown mercy.”