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Surah Al Ankabut

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Alif Laam Meem

Summary of Sura Ankabut

The central theme of this surat is the mention of the absolute divine law of trial for Muslims. It means, O Muhammad, when the verses of Allah have been revealed to you, then never, after that you turn to the misleading words of disbelief in the matter of the Qur’an. You should continue worshiping as before and stick to it. because no one deserves to be worshiped except Allah.

Main points of Sureh Ankabut

This surat talks about the following things

  • Testing the Muslims according to their security strength and putting them to the test is a divine law. (al ankabut: ayat 1) اَحَسِبَ النَّاسُ اَنۡ يُّتۡرَكُوۡۤا اَنۡ يَّقُوۡلُوۡۤا اٰمَنَّا وَهُمۡ لَا يُفۡتَـنُوۡنَ
  • This surah says that Noah, Lut, Shoaib, Hud and Hazrat Muhammad are the Prophets of Allah.
  • Apart from this, recitation of the Holy Quran and organized the prayer has advised.
  • A guide to traveling in the earth and thinking about the vision of nature
  • Various punishments inflicted on previous nations and their causes.
  • In this surat, there is a guideline in ayat 46 to debate with the People of the Book. This means, O Muslims, when you have an argument with the People of the Book, then argue in the best way. However, whoever crosses the limits, then be strict with him.
  • Answer of Hazrat Lot’s nation on forbidding them from doing bad things: Hazrat Lot’s nation was involved in a lot of evils and used to misbehave with travelers. Even people stopped passing by this side. When Hazrat Lut condemned them, they started mocking them and said, “If you are correct that we will be punished,” then punish us, please.
  • Allah knows the true reality of idols. In these verses, the powerlessness of the idols will be clarified with the example of a spider’s web. As the spider’s web is very weak, it can neither remove the cold nor the heat nor protect it from dust and rain. Similarly, these idols cannot help their priests in any way.

Benefits of Surah Ankabut

Benefits of surah ankabut are:

  • Dissolving Surah Ankabut in water and drinking it brings happiness and peace in life.
  • Reciting Surah Ankabut while lying on the buster gives good sleep.
  • Recitation of surah ankabut increases belief in Allah and the Day of Judgment.
  • It helps to understand the uncertainty of the fleeting nature of this world.
  • It is narrated that “Whoever recites Surah ‘Ankabut will have ten good rewards as the number of all believers and hypocrites.”

Surah Al Ankabut FAQ’s

Q: In which para ankabut is present?

Surah ankabut is located in para 19 and 20.

Q: Is surat ankabut is makki or madni?

It is Makki sura.

Q: What is main theme of surat Ankabut?

The main theme of this surah is revolve around the absolute divine law of trial for Muslims.