Surah Al Anfal mp3 download by Syed Sudais.
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Al-Anfal surah {Arabic: ٱلأنفال} is the eighth chapter of the Quran and is also known as Surah Badr. Surah Al-Infal is a Madinan surah, and it consists of 10 rukus, 75 verses, 1242 words, and 5387 letters. Surah al Anfal meaning is The Spoils of War. Sura is titled Al-Anfal (The Bounties) from its opening ayat. This sura is located in the 9th and 10th para (juz). The sura covers a number of subjects, including the characteristics of believers, angelic help during the time of Jihad, the night of the Prophet’s journey to Medina (Laylat al-Mabit), and the obligations of believers to their opponents during times of war. The Surat describes the first war between the Meccan polytheists and Muslims in the second year following the Hijra. Surah was revealed after the battle of Badr.
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Surah Anfal summary
- The spoils (Booty) are the property of God and his prophet.
- Truthful believers and their reward in heaven.
- Condemnation to Muslims for distrusting their prophet.
- Badr’s victory as an affirmation of Islam.
- Surah al Anfal ayat 9 shows, assurance to Muhammad for angelic help.
- Calmness and refreshment of Muslims Before the fight.
- The angels are commanded to destroy the unbelievers of Quraish in order to console the believers. And unbelievers will suffer penalties both now and in the future.
- The command of Allah for Muslims to stay on the battlefield and don’t run.
- Badr’s triumph was a miracle.
- A warning to the Quraish not to put themselves in battle with Muslims in the future.
- Comparison of non-believers with deaf and dumb brutes.
- Surah al Anfal Ayat 30 mentions that God foils plots against Muhammad (PBUH).
- Surah al anfal ayat 46 describes obligation to believers to obey God and his messenger. And they are also cautioned against treachery, deceit, and civil strife.
- Infidels compare the Quran Shreef to fables.
- Muhammad’s existence among the Quraish saved them from just punishment.
- Method of the spoils of war distribution. Surah al anfal ayat 60 shows that God guided the Muslims to battle at Badr in order to prove the veracity of Islam.
- A warning to believers against pride and vanity. At Badr, the devil abandons the Quraish people. The hypocrites would perish, like Pharaoh and his people.
- Surat al Anfal Ayat 63 to surah al anfal ayat 62 shows the miracle of Muslims’s unity.
- Condemnation of Muslims for taking ransom for those they captured at Badr.
- Surah al anfal ayat 70 describes about the exhortations to Requited Quraish for acceptance of Islam, and cautions against deceit.
- The brotherhood between Muhaj Jirin and the Ansars.
- Restoration of the blood-relations hereditary rights.
Surah Anfal benifits
Following are the virtues and rewards of sura according to Quran Surah anfal ki fazilat:
- Our Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), says: ”On the day of judgment, I will testify on behalf of the one who recited Surah e Anfal and At Taubah, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was not a hypocrite. Besides, for each hypocrite man and woman in the world, that reciter will be rewarded with 10 good deeds, will have ten of his sins forgiven, will ascend ten levels, and will be greeted with a salute from the throne and its bearers in this worldly existence”.
- Hazrat Abu Abdullah said: ”The person who writes Surat Anfal and binds it to his elbow will get the right to address the ruler and will triumph over anybody with whom he disputes or engages in combat”.
- Additionally, he or she will be content, and this sura will serve as a stronghold for them.
- Another narration of Hazrat Abu Abdullah says: ”Anyone who recites the surah al anfaal seven times with devotion and thoughtful consideration of its meaning will be released from imprisonment or other forms of tyranny”.
- Moreover,a person who consistently recites the surah Anfal ayat 10 with sincerity and attention to its meaning will always be joyful, satisfied, and triumphant against enemies.
- Surah Anfal recitation is beneficial for gaining brilliant success.
Attributes of True Believers
Surah al Anfal ayat 2-3 describes an attributes of believers. True Muslims practice prayer and also spend their sustenance in the path of Allah.
ایمان والے وہی ہیں کہ جب اللہ کویاد کیا جائے توان کے دل ڈر جاتے ہیں اور جب ان پر اس کی آیات کی تلاوت کی جاتی ہے تو ان کے ایمان میں اضافہ ہوجاتا ہے اور وہ اپنے رب پر ہی بھروسہ کرتے ہیں ۔وہ جو نماز قائم رکھتے ہیں اور ہمارے دئیے ہوئے رزق میں سے ہماری راہ میں خرچ کرتے ہیں ۔
Surah al Anfal ayat 17 urdu translation
تو تم نے انہیں قتل نہیں کیا بلکہ اللہ نے انہیں قتل کیا اور اے حبیب! جب آپ نے خاک پھینکی تو آپ نے نہ پھینکی تھی بلکہ اللہ نے پھینکی تھی اور اس لئے تا کہ مسلمانوں کواپنی طرف سے اچھا انعام عطا فرمائے۔ بیشک اللہ سننے والا جاننے والا ہے۔
A division of the spoils (Maal-e-Ghanimat)
In al Anfal, Ayat 41 teaches us the law of the Booty (مال غنیمت) division.
اور جان لو کہ تم جو مالِ غنیمت حاصل کرو تو اس کا پانچواں حصہ خاص اللہ کے لئے اور رسول کے لئے اور (رسول کے) رشتے داروں کیلئے اور یتیموں اور مسکینوں اور مسافروں کے لئے ہے، اگر تم اللہ پر اور اس پر ایمان رکھتے ہو جو ہم نے اپنے خاص بندے پر فیصلہ کے دن اتارا جس دن دونوں فوجیں آمنے سامنے ہوئی تھیں اور اللہ ہر شے پر قادر ہے۔
It is also known as sura Badr. Because a big part of sura contains the details about the Battle of Badr.
The sura covers a number of subjects, including the characteristics of believers, angelic help during the time of Jihad, the night of the Prophet’s journey to Medina (Laylat al-Mabit), and the obligations of believers to their opponents during times of war.
Hazrat Muhammed led Muslims to victory at the Battle of Badr on Hijri 2,March 13, 624 CE, which signified a significant turning point in the expansion of Islam.