Surah Ahzab read online
Surah e Ahzab {الأحزاب in Arabic} is the 33rd chapter (Surah) of the Quran. It contains 9 rukus,73 verses,1303 words, and 5788 letters. Al ahzab surah is a Madni surat, and it is located in 21 and 22 para of the Quran. Surah al ahzab meaning The confederates, or “the coalition”(combined forces). This sura was revealed in the during the of 5th year of Hijrah (Hirat e Madina). Three significant events occurred in that year: the Prophet’s marriage to Sayyidah Zainab (the divorced wife of his adopted son Zaid bin Harithah), the Battle of the Trench, also known as Al-Ahzaab, and the raid on the Jewish tribe Bani Quraizah.
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Surah al Ahzab summary
- Muhammad to Fear Allah and follow not the hypocrites nor the unbelievers.
- Surah al ahzaab ayat 4 is a declaration by Word of mouth that never of your adopted sons become your real sons and not your wives become your real mothers (because of zihaar).
- Discription about that the wives of the prophets are the mothers of all believers.
- The prophets’ covenant with God, God’s favor at the Ditch towards the Muslims.
- Description of the attitudes of hypocrites.Non-participants are declared to be without faith at all, and their actions are null and unreliable.The Exposure of betrayal of hypocrites.
- In surat al ahzab ayat 21, The life of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is to be a uswa e husna for all believers.
- It also mentions The believers’ patience at the Ditch.
- Surah ahzab ayat 25 shows The victory at the Ditch is attributed to God’s intervention.
- A reference to the Bani Qainuqáa slaughter.
- Surah ahzab ayat 28 describes Muhammad’s wives admonitioned for desiring the luxuries of life. Muhammad’s wives would get double punishment for incontinence and double reward for faithfulness.
Second part of surah
- Cautions to Umhaat ul Momineen to act pious and modestly.
- In surah ahzab ayat 35, there is a Promise of blessings for faithful men and women.
- Surah al ahzab ayat 36 and surah al ehzab ayat 37 gives Details pertaining to the divorce of Zainab (RA).
- Sura al ahzab ayat 40 mentions that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is a Rasool and Seal of the Prophethood, not the father of any of your men.
- Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), a messenger of good tidings and a witness.
- Muhammad’s specific privileges regarding women and also his limitation is included.
- Sura al ahzaab ayat 53 describes Rules for visitors visiting the Prophet’s home.
- Surah al ahzab ayat 56 shows how Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. Furthermore, it is the duty of believers to make slatu slaam on Hazrat Muhammad.
- Surat al ahzaab ayat 59 is The directive on Muslim women’s veils.
- Threatning to hypocrites of medina with penalties .Description of the Awful destiny of unbelievers.
- The hour of judgment is unknown to humanity.
- Surah al ahzab ayat 70 to surah al ahzaab ayat 72 describes The obligations of the faithful.
Quran Surah Ahzab benefits and virtues
Following rewards and blessings shows surah ahzab ki fazilat:
- Hazrat Imam Jafar has said that ”On the Day of Reckoning, the Muhammad (pbuh) and his descendants will protect whoever recites surah e ahzab frequently, as the rewards are immeasurable”.
- Moreover,those who recite Surah Al-Ahzab full and encourage their dependents to do the same will be spared from the torment of the afterlife.
- On the day of judgment, the person who regularly recites this surat will be with their spouse close to the Holy Prophet. Muhammad (pbuh).
- Besides,Surah ahzab for marriage is beneficial. Full Surah Ahzab recitation is favourable in induce a soothing sense of mental peace.
- The Surah establishes the foundational ideas that have guided Islamic jurisprudence. These guidelines provide a framework for moral and legal behavior and are especially pertinent to family law issues.
- In conclusion,A key message of this sureh is the significance of cooperation and solidarity among Muslims.
Surah Ahzab ayat 25 benefits
”And Allah turned back those who disbelieved out of their wrath, so that they would not attain the best. And God is sufficient for the believers in fighting, and God is Powerful, Mighty”.
The surah ahzab ayat 25 with urdu translation :
اور الله نے کافروں کو ان کے دلوں کی جلن کے ساتھ واپس لوٹادیا، انہیں کچھ بھی بھلائی نہ ملی اور الله مسلمانوں کیلئے لڑائی میں کافی ہوگیا اور الله قوت والا، عزت والا ہے۔
A purifying verse (Surah al Ahzab ayat 33)
(Surah )33:(verse) 33 of Quran is the verse of purification (Arabic: آية التطهير). The Quran is the primary holy source in Islam. sura ahzaab ayat 33 english translation:
”And stay in your homes and do not be naked like the nakedness of the time of Jahiliyyah and be reguler in prayer and give alms and obey the command of Allah and His Messenger. God wants to remove all impurity from you and purify you and make you clean”.
Download surah ahzab full image and surah al ahzab mp3 by syed sudais.You can also read here Surat an Nur and Surat Muhammed here.
Surat al Ahzaab FAQ’s
Surah al ahzab para number is 21 and 22 in Quran.
Sura ahzaab is a Madni surat.The Jews of Medina, the pagans of Mecca, and the hypocrites among the Muslims banded together to battle the Muslims in the fifth year of the Hijrah. In order to repel their onslaught, the Prophet (S) and his adherents thereupon excavated a substantial trench surrounding Medina.