Dua and Wazaif

Iman e Mufassal & Iman e Mujammal


Iman e Mufassal

The name “Iman-e-Mufassal” comes from the Arabic word “mufassal,” which means elaborated or extended.Besides, It alludes to the acceptance of the six pillars of Islam as given in the hadith e Jibreel.These six pillars of faith consist of faith in Allah, angels, revealed divined books, prophets, the Day of Judgement, the Divine plan (Qadr) and life after death. Dua Iman e Muffasal  and iman e Mujamal, also known as iman ki siftain. For Muslims, Kalma Iman-e-Mufassal is an essential Islamic value that is extremely important.Iman e mufassal in Arabic text:

  ؕ اٰمَنْتُ بِاللہِ وَمَلٰئِکَتِہٖ وَ کُتُبِہٖ وَرُسُلِہٖ وَالْیَوْمِ الْاٰخِرِ وَالْقَدْرِ خَیْرِہٖ وَشَرِّہٖ مِنَ اللہِ تَعَالٰی وَالْبَعْثِ بَعْدَالْمَوْتِ

Iman-e-Mufassal’s meaning in english is ”I believe in Allah عزوجل, His Angels, His (revealed) Books, His Prophets علیھم السلام, the Day of Judgement, and (I believe that) good or bad Taqdeer( destiny )is from Allah عزوجل and (I believe that) a revival of life after death.”

Sift Iman Mufassal in urdu tarjuma

  میں اللہ عزوجل پر، اس کے فرشتوں پر، اس کی کتابوں پر، اس کے انبیاء علیہم السلام پر، قیامت کے دن پر ایمان رکھتا ہوں اور (میرا ایمان ہے کہ) اچھی یا بری تقدیر اللہ عزوجل کی طرف سے ہے اور (میرا ایمان) موت کے بعد حیات نو پر

Six piliars of Iman (Faith)

A Muslim’s religion consists of accepting the six pillars of Iman (faith) as true in general. Those six faiths (Iman e Mufassal and Iman e Mujammal) are as follows:

  1. Conviction of Allah SWT’s existence and unity.
  2. Conviction of angels’ existence.
  3. Belief in the existence of  all Divine Books.
  4. Belief in the existence of prophets, the last of whom was Muhammad SAW.
  5. Belief that the Day of Judgement will come.
  6. Belief in the reality of God’s omniscience and predestination (Qadar, or “Divine Decree”), whether it be for good or evil.

The Holy Quran states that people who reject these pillars of belief are deemed to be disbelievers by Allah.

Iman e Mujamal

Features of faith are summed up in the meaning of Mujmal. Iman e Mujmal dua, also known as the concise faith, refers to the basics of belief in Islam.The entire system of Islamic beliefs is based on these cornerstone principles.Iman-e-Mujmal the brief declaration, is composed of two main claims that establish Allah’s unity and Muhammad’s prophetic status. To be regarded as a member of the Islamic community, all Muslims must adhere to these principles. A simplified version of Iman-e-Mufassal, known as Iman-e-Mujamal, is sometimes used when someone is unable to recite the full form. Mostly, Muslims recite Iman-e-Mujmal in its condensed form during the Tashahhad.Iman e Mujamal in Arabic text:

 اٰمَنْتُ بِاللہِ کَمَا ھُوَ بِاَسْمَآئِہٖ وَصِفَاتِہٖ وَقَبِلْتُ جَمِیْعَ اَحْکَامِہٖ اِقْرَارٌم بِاللِّسَانِ وَتَصْدِیْقٌ بِالْقَلْبِ

Iman e Mujamal in english is I believe in Allah عزوجل,  as He is, with His names and attributes, and I accept all His judgments, with acknowledgment with the tongue and belief in the heart.

Sift Iman Mujamal in urdu tarjuma

میں اللہ عزوجل پر اس کے ناموں اور صفات کے ساتھ ایمان رکھتا ہوں اور اس کے تمام فیصلوں کو زبان سے تسلیم کرتا ہوں اور دل سے یقین رکھتا ہوں۔

Question about Iman e Mufassal

Q:What is the second belief in iman-e-mufassal?

 Belief in the Angels of Allah. Angels are holy, spiritually obedient creatures that God made to carry out His will and provide continuous worship.

Q:What is the third belief in iman-e-mufassal?

Belief in all divine books. In Islam,belief in all the sacred books revealed to the messenger in history is a fundamental part of our faith.

Q:What is the fourth belief in iman-e-mufassal?

Belief in all prophets. All Muslims believe that Allah has sent Prophets throughout history to guide mankind  and also to promote His message.

Q:What is the sixth belief in iman-e-mufassal?

Belief in the sovereign plan of God. All Muslims believe in the concept of fate or Qadr and that everything that happens is ultimately for the best.

Q:What is the seventh belief in iman-e-mufassal?

Belief in the life after death. And then, this life will depend on our deeds.

Ruqia Bibi

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