Dua and Wazaif

We have gathered famous Islamic masnoon Dua and Wazaif. Dua and Wazaif is a source of relief. Relief from worldly difficulties and relief from punishment in the day of judgment. We read different type of Dua daily at each motion we perform.

A Powerful Quranic Dua for Success in Dunya and Akhirah

Why "Rabbana Atina Fid Dunya" is a Must-Know Dua for Every Muslim In our busy lives, we often find ourselves…

2 weeks ago

Salat al-Istikhara: A Guide to Seeking Divine Guidance

Salat al-Istikhara is a Sunnah prayer perfomed to seek Allah's guidance when making important decisions, helping us choose the best…

7 months ago

Tasbih: The meaning and benefits of “Subhanallah”

In Islamic culture and spirituality, some phrases carry deep meaning and reflect faith and devotion. One such phrase is "Subhanallah,"…

8 months ago

The Significance of Takbir: Allahu Akbar

What does Allahu Akbar mean? In Islam, Allahu Akbar is referred to as the Takbir. The phrase is written in…

8 months ago

The Secrets and Power of Bismillah

What does Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim mean? Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem (Arabic: بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ) means "in the name of God,…

8 months ago

Al Asma ul Husna (99 Names of Allah)

Belief in Allah is the first pillar of Faith (Imaan) in Islam. As Muslims, we believe in Allah according to…

8 months ago

Power and Benefits of Ayat-e-Karima

The Qur’an is the final revelation from Allah, offering guidance, commandments, principles for human life, and avenues for social reform…

8 months ago

5 Pillars Of Islam:

The Five Pillars of Islam are fundamental acts of worship and the foundation of a Muslim's faith and practice. These…

9 months ago

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un

Introduction "Inna Lillahi wa ina ilayhi raji'oon" (إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ)  is an Arabic phrase. It's found in the…

1 year ago

Loh e Qurani

Introduction & Lohe Qurani meaning The word "Loh" literally translates to "tablet" or anything with healing properties. The phrase "Loh…

1 year ago