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          The Status of Women in Islam

The status of women in society is an ongoing issue that has yet to be fully resolved. The perspective of Islam on this matter has often been portrayed to Western audiences with a significant lack of objectivity.

Equality in Faith

In Islam, there is no distinction between men and women in their relationship with Allah. “They promise both the same rewards for good deeds and the same punishments for wrongdoing.”

As stated in the Qur’an: 

And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women. (2:226)

A Comparison with Pre-Islamic Pagan Practices

In Childhood and Through Adolescence

 As a wife

Mahr, a Marriage Gift for Her

As a mother

Mothers sacrifice their time, wants, and desires for their children’s benefit. They provide protection and stability, helping their children gain the strength to achieve their goals and become better citizens.

Hence, in Islam the value of mother is greater. it is obligatory to listen to be a dutiful child as it is one of the responsibility as a child. This shows that Islam treasures the sacrifies made by the each human name ”mother” without doubting the pain that they have gone through.

Also visit Surah an Nisa to learn and read about women rights.

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