Introduction of 4 Qul Shareef:
Just as all the surahs of the Holy Quran are of great importance and each one has its own place. Similarly, these (4 Qul Shareef) 4 surahs of the Quran, which are also called 4 Qul Sharif, have great merit. Four of the 114 Surahs of the Qur’an are called Qal Sharif. Which starts with the word “Qul”. These 4 Surahs are Surah Al-Kafrun, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah Al-Nas. These four surahs have a lot of merit. For example, reciting Surah Ikhlas 3 times gives a reward equal to 1 Quran. From Surah Al-Kafrun we get the idea of monotheism. Surah al-Falaq protects against the envy of the envious and the evil of everything that is harmful. Surah Al-Nas asks for deliverance from jinn, whispering and other evils. Therefor, These 4 Surahs are very important in daily life.
Main topics in 4 qul of islam:
Declaration of Tawheed (god’s unity).
Allah, the Absolute and Eternal.
Benefits of 4 qul shreef:
There are the many benefits and virtues of 4 qul of islam, which are explained as follow by saperated:
Al Kafiroon Surah:
- Reciting Surat Al-Kafiron is considered a virtuous deed that brings tremendous rewards. In addition to safeguarding one against committing Shirk, it also repels evil. It is believed that Shaytan would never harm the one who recites Surah Kafiroon.
- Also this sureh offers that great reward.
- This sura’h protects against bad dreams.
- Morever it will protects from entering the hellfire.
- If we recite Surat Al-Kaafirun before sleping, we will be free from polytheism. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Recite Qul yaa ayyuha’l-kaafirun and then go to sleep at the end of it, as it is a rejection of sheirk.”
Surah Al Ikhlas:
- A hadith describes how 4 times surah fatiha 3 times surat Ikhlaas is favorable for us. Recitation of surah Fatiha 4 times is equal to serving people with 4 thousand free dinners, and recite surah ikhlas 3 times is equal to the recitation of the whole Quran.
- Surah ikhlas recitation reward us paradise. Hadith about surah ikhlas is Abu Hurayrah saying, “I went out with the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, and he heard a man reciting surat al ikhlas. So, the prophet said: It is obligatory. I asked: What is obligatory?” and he replied: heaven.”
- Besides,Sura Ikhlas for rizq prosperity is very beneficial. Surah Ahad describes that only Allah is a sustainer.
An Nas Surah :
Surah An nas is the last surah of Quran. In the following we explain the benefits of surah an aas.
- Al naas surat provides an effective handling strategy: the significance of both action and faith. It advises reciting in order to take matters into one’s own hands.
- This sureh also emphasizes the importance of seeking Allah’s protection and guidance during tempting time.
- It inspires us to face our weaknesses and look for strength in our dependence on Allah alone and develop trust in God’s protection.
Surah Al Falaq:
- In addition,Reciting Surah Falaq in dream could represent divine defence against the evil that exists among humans and jinn.
- Moreover,Recite surat falak 100 times for the safety of the house or office from Shytan for the upcoming 40 days.
- Surah Falaq dua is beneficial for a sick person. Hazrat Ayesha stated ”Whenever Hazrat Muhammad (P BU H) became sick, he would recite Mu’awwidhat (Surat Falak and Surah An-Nas) and then blow over his hand and then move over his whole body”.